Suggest a Site to DMOZ

 Thank you for your interest in DMOZ. Suggesting a site is easy, but before you proceed with the site submission form, we ask that you do two things:

  1. Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions. It is important that you understand these policies.  Failure to understand and follow these policies generally will result in the rejection of a submission. 
  2. Please check to be sure that this is the single category you think your site should be listed in. DMOZ has a rich subject tree, and it helps everyone if you search around for the best category. This also helps expedite our review of your site. 

A site on Breast Cancer should be submitted to:

Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Cancer : Breast Cancer not

Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases

This is an important distinction in the world of web categorization, and it ensures speedy processing of your site.

Please note: We are not a search engine and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted.

A consultant (from the Latin consultare means "to discuss" from which we also derive words such as consul and counsel) is a professional who provides advice in a particular area of expertise.

Who Belongs in This Category?

Consultants whose main focus is Internet Consulting. Services could include:

  • Planning and Development
  • Strategy and Research
  • Evaluation and Analysis
  • Production Resources and Execution

Companies which do not specialize heavily in these services should considering listing in another category.

Please consider the following before listing in this category:

How to Title your Site and Submit to the Correct Category:

  • Sites in this area should be titled using the name of the company
Please do not include extra information in the Title field! Extra information will be deleted.

How to Write your Description:

  • Only submit sites that are in English. Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate country under World.
  • Do not type in capitals, nor capitalize all nouns.
  • Do not include a list of keywords.
  • Do not include your products.
  • Do not write a sales pitch.
  • Do include your area or region (Based in Chicago, IL) (Based in UK)

Consider starting with:

  • Provides:
  • Providing:
  • Offering:
  • Offers:
  • Featuring:
  • Supplying:
The description should describe, or list, the services you offer.
  • Do not include a list of keywords.
  • Do not include superlatives ("We''re the best, "The greatest website...", "We''re #1..., etc.).
  • Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
  • Do not include or submit an "advertisement".
  • The description should be in English, in coherent sentence form, and free from mistakes.
  • Submit to only ONE category.
  • Submit to the one best category possible.

Following these guidelines will assist us in listing your site as quickly as possible.

Category Description:
Are you sure this is the most descriptive category for your site? If you are unsure, please take a little extra time in searching the directory and find the most appropriate category.

Keep the description of your site brief - no longer than 25-30 words. A well-written, objective description will make listing your site easier.
  • Do not use any HTML tags
  • Write in complete sentences and/or descriptive phrases using proper grammar, punctuation and correct spelling.
    • Do not use ALLCAPS in your description.
    • Avoid capitalizing every word in a sentence.
  • Do not repeat the title of your site in the description.
  • Avoid using promotional language and strings of key words and search terms. Words and phrases like 'cool' and 'best darn site' will be removed.
Please verify the text in the image. The text in the image and the text you submit in the input field must match.
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Submission Agreement

In exchange for DMOZ's consideration of the site I am submitting, I agree
  • To be bound by the DMOZ Terms of Use.
  • To waive any claim related to the inclusion, placement, exclusion, or removal of this or any other site in DMOZ or to the title or description of any site appearing in the DMOZ Directory; and
  • To grant AOL LLC. Corporation a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, publish, copy, edit, modify, or create derivative works from my submission.
I also acknowledge that AOL LLC. and DMOZ have unfettered editorial discretion to determine the structure and content of the directory and that, because a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time, I may not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. (i.e. "submission" means the title and descriptive information you supply for your site, not the actual website or its contents).
I have read and understand the submissions guidelines, and I'm ready to submit my site