Editor: wells50

Name:Wells Anderson
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Since 1978 I have applied technology to the practice of law. In my vision for the profession, legal technology enables more affordable, available legal services and more satisfying careers for people in law.

The Open Directory Project offers us an opportunity to create and use a powerful resource we share with everyone.

Advances in legal databases, document assembly, knowledge management and Web technologies excite me. Speaking at the American Bar Association Techshow and other conferences each year, I focus on the practical implementation of software in the practice of law. I believe in customizing proven tools to meet the widely varying needs of law firms, law departments and solo practitioners.

My Minneapolis-based business, Active Practice LLC, helps lawyers leverage technology. Before founding the business in 1996, I practiced law and led the effort to automate a 220-lawyer law department. I have practiced in the areas of litigation, personal injury, family law, life and health insurance, employment and intellectual property.

Away from the keyboard, mouse and monitor, I enjoy capsizing a fast, 13-foot Laser II on Lake Superior with my son, challenging my daughter - who played college basketball - to games of horse, and laughing with my wife.