Editor: tlewis

Name:Trevor Lewis
Email:Send to tlewis
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I have been privileged to have received the following recognition as voted upon by my fellow editors.


"A newspaper is lumber made malleable. It is ink made into words and pictures.

It is conceived, born, grows up and dies of old age in a day". - Jim Bishop, 1963



I joined ODP November 20, 2000, with a passion for expanding the Australian listing for newspapers.

As an old news-hound, I'm a "newspaper man" with more than 20 year industry experience involving rural, suburban and metropolitian products. (Seems to be a bit of a 20/20 theme happening here).

Just for the record, I am no longer involved in the multiple sites for suburban newspaper group Fairfax Regional and Community Newspapers.


Just for Fun

For more newsroom funnies, see the "Ask the News-Hound" strip at this link


Please note: this profile comes from the Open Directory Project. If you are seeing this anywhere else, it is a downstream user using the ODP's data and I do not have any affiliation with them.

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