Religion is a social phenomenon involving systems of shared practices, views, symbols, and moral values. Spirituality focuses on personal connections perceived non-physical phenomena, with or without the direct influence of a religion or a set of organizationally imposed views. Please see the
category FAQ for more detail on the category and editing in it.
Advaita Vedanta is a school of philosophy that argues that Truth, or Brahman, is the only thing that is real in this world.
Since, mathematically speaking, there can be only one truth, and not two, the adjective 'advaita', meaning 'not two' is used. Vedanta refers to the 'anta', or the end, or summary, of the Vedas, the highly regarded treasurehouse of spiritual knowledge emanating from India.
Only living, individual teachers should be submitted for this category. Organisations that provide teachings in Advaita, whether or not relating to a particular teacher, should use the ''Organisations'' sub-category. Websites relating to traditional (deceased) teachers should use the Hinduism/Spiritual Personalities category.
This category includes African religions and their derivatives: both traditional indigenous African religions and the religions of the African diaspora.
Afterlife describes a place 'the afterlife' or a state of being that is believed to exist after bodily death and is also referred to as 'life after death'.
Please submit sites about the afterlife as a place or concept. That is, a state of being and a definite place of inhabitance.
Only sites that are PREDOMINANTLY about the afterlife will be listed here. Any sites featuring earth-bound entities (ghosts) will be sent to Paranormal.
Religion specific versions of the afterlife do not belong here but in the appropriately named subcategory for that religion.
Mediums' sites should be submitted to Spiritualism.
Ghost sites should be submitted to Paranormal.
Sites that explore the afterlife from a scientific research point of view should be submitted to Parapsychology in the Science section.
Agnosticism is a term originally coined by Thomas H. Huxley in the 1840s to refer to an ideology which states, primarily, that the nature of the universe and of existence itself cannot be known. Hence, it is foolish to pretend otherwise, and all attempts to the contrary must necessarily end in dogma lacking in all form of proof.
From Huxley's "Agnosticism":
"Agnosticism, in fact, is not a creed, but a method, the essence of which lies in the rigorous application of a single principle ... Positively the principle may be expressed: In matters of the intellect, follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration. And negatively: In matters of the intellect, do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable."
Submit your site to Agnosticism if the primary focus of the site is Agnosticism. If Agnosticism is only incidental, then please consider a more appropriate category.
An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god, i.e., in the existence of a supernatural being.
This category is for all materials relating to or commenting on those movements that recognise the writings of Baha'u'llah as divinely revealed Scripture. The Baha'i Faith traces its origins to the declaration of the Bab in 1844, making it year one in the Baha'i calendar. The Bab was executed by Persian authorities in 1851, but His Dispensation lasted nineteen years, and ended with the Declaration of Baha'u'llah in Baghdad in 1863.
Buddhism comes from the teachings of the Buddha. There are many schools or flavours of Buddhism, so it can be confusing at times, especially to anyone unfamiliar with the subject. This category is about the religion Buddha founded, and includes information on the schools, people, practice, philosophy, and study of Buddhism.
The fundamental ideas of Buddhism are:
1.) All human life is "dhukka" (impermanent unsatisfactoriness).
2.) All suffering is caused by human desire, particularly the desire that impermanent things be permanent.
3.) Human suffering can be ended by ending human desire.
4.) Desire can be ended by following the "Eightfold Noble Path": right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.
From a metaphysical standpoint, these Noble Truths make up and derive from a single fundamental Truth (Dharma). The Buddhadharma is based on the idea that everything in the universe is causally linked. All things are composite things, that is, they are composed of several elements. Because all things are composite, they are all transitory, for the elements come together and then fall apart. It is this transience that causes human beings to sorrow and to suffer. We live in a body, which is a composite thing, but that body decays, sickens, and eventually dies, though we wish it to do otherwise. Since everything is transient, that means that there can be no eternal soul either in the self or in the universe.
CaoDai is an indigenous Vietnamese religion with a strong following in France and the United States. It is a religion of unity, combining teachings and beliefs of Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Christianity, Spritism, and Geniism.
Please consider applying to become editor of this category. We very much need an editor familiar with Cao Dai.
Click here to apply.
This category includes sites that relate to Christianity, Christ, the Bible, Christian lifestyle and the Church.
Please only submit your site to this category if it is a community based site. If your site is basically about a Church, please find the appropriate religious belief and submit your site within that category.
Category Description for Deism
Deism has at minimum these attributes:
1. Belief in the existence of God, omnipotent Creator.
2. Belief that God can be understood and followed by reason alone
3. Follows a moral code derived from reason
4. Denial of ceremony, ritual, mysticism, special revelation (like the Bible), miracles or any kind of interventions by God to affect outcomes in the material world.
Christian Deism
While Christianity and Deism are different belief systems, some called themselves "Christian Deists" to avoid the charge of heresy while believing as strict Deists, others adopted aspects of Christianity as it suited them (or vice versa).
Submission Notice for Deism
We welcome your submissions to this category, especially those sites which are dedicated to Deism and contain original materials not already listed elsewhere in ODP. Review the category description (below) first.
Keep these points in mind. Deism is not Atheism, a faith that there is no God, or agnosticism, a view that the truth of the unexistence or existence of God is inherently unknowable. Unlike Pantheism, Deism means a faith in omnipotent God the Creator, separate from the creation. Unlike Theism, Deism does not include a belief in revelations, miracles or any kind of interventions by God to affect outcomes in the material world. Deism has content. Deism is not mystical or spiritual or personal. Deism is both rational and moral.
A few points from the ODP guidelines:
- Is the site current? Does it appear to be well-maintained?
- Does the site contain useful content? Is it content-rich?
- Does the site appeal to a broad range of users? Does it provide diversity to the category?
- Are the site''s contents not currently covered in the category?
Guides, portals, directories, and similar sites providing a general overview of multiple religious traditions.
Do not submit sites specific to only one religion or spiritual tradition into this category. Instead, please submit your site into the most appropriate category available for your specific religion or spiritual tradition, for example
Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Directories in the case of Christianity.
This is the main category for Astrology. Sites submitted here should be very broad and wide-ranging in content, or those which do not fit easily into any of the subcategories. Please consider all of the subcategories before submitting here.
It is very rare for a site to be listed more than once, so please do not submit to multiple categories.
Words cannot describe the Tao and the Tao cannot be named. That which is eternal is unnameable. Naming is the basis of things. -- Lao Tsu, Taoist sage
Enlightenment is the complete awareness of life without mental modifications. There's no thought, no self, no jiva, all of this goes away. But at the same time, it's within the world, within the form, the stillness and the substance are really the same thing. -- Frederick Lenz
When we ask what Buddha nature is, it immediately vanishes. -- Shunryu Suzuki - Founder of the San Francisco Zen Center
These descriptions point to something that is outside our daily experience. Sages have pointed to it for thousands of years. But their words are like the finger that points at the moon. If you focus on the finger then you will never see the moon. Enlightenment cannot be described in words because it is a state that is beyond words. It is touched in the momentary space between thoughts or the pause between two breaths. But these brief experiences are merely the beginning of a journey of personal exploration and transformation. This category is meant to provide the seeker with a starting place for their own personal journey of enlightenment.
Sites submitted to this category should be non-denominational or multi-denominational. Sites that focus on a specific enlightenment tradition, such as Buddhism or Advaita Vedanta, should be submitted to the category for that tradition.
Due to the broad and unquantifiable nature of the topic, sites of general interest and sites that aid further exploration are appropriate. Sites more specific in nature should consider submitting to one of the sub-categories or elsewhere in the directory. There are other Open Directory categories for spiritual teachers and personal experiences that would be more appropriate if your submission is not enlightenment-specific.
Esoteric and Occult is a broad category embracing religious and mystical traditions and practices throughout history which have served as alternatives to mainstream religions. Esoteric and Occult also encompasses secret societies, underground groups and unusual activities that fall within occultism, meaning the study of hidden things, that is, the hidden structure of reality and of humanity.
The esoteric movement in the West began with Græco-Roman traditions of magic and mystery, and has continued to the present day through such well-known traditions as Neo-Platonism, Alchemy, Kabala, and Theosophy.
Egyptian and other ancient religions have long been of esoteric interest although they are not truly alternative; they were mainstream religions in their native cultures, and only became esoteric after they were revived centuries or millennia later. These revivals have sometimes embraced traditions of questionable historicity such as occult Templarism and medieval Witchcraft, as well as real traditions seen through a distorted historical lens.
Since the 19th century many Western esotericists have cultivated interests in Eastern mysticism as well. Yoga is commonly practiced by esotericists today, and modern occult conceptions have been strongly influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, especially as interpreted by Theosophy and Thelema.
If English is not the primary language of the site, please make sure there is sufficient text in English to warrant submission, and please link the page with intro in English.
Ethical Culture is a humanistic religious and educational movement inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society.
Falun Dafa is a high-level cultivation system, similar to qigong that offers stress relief and health improvement, etc. It has five sets of exercises that are smooth, natural, and easy to learn. It also has principles guiding the cultivation of mind and body. Volunteers introduce the system to the public, free of charge and no donations accepted.
Please check the subcategories before submitting your site. Information for local organizations should be submited to the "Local" category with the location information in the title.
Works of Fiction dealing with Religion or Spirituality in any way the author sees fit; from the sarcastic to the sublime. We place a particularly high value on any original theological thoughts or creative cosmological conceptions artistically developed in fictional form.
In particular the category includes religions based on intentional fictions, or are parodies of one or more other religions. Whether the religion has adherents and the sincerity of those adherents is not a factor for classification into this category.
Note that this category is significantly based on the concept of ha ha only serious.
The Fourth Way is a method of inner development for ordinary people in everyday life brought to the West in the early part of the 20th century by G. I. Gurdjieff, and placed into a form more readily accessible to the Western mind by P. D. Ouspensky.
The term Gnosticism is derived from the Greek term "gnosis" which means "to know," and is the root of many English words (dia-gno-sis, kno-wledge, i-gno-re). Gnosticism refers to an exceptionally wide variety of groups who seek "Gnosis," or direct, spiritual knowledge, as opposed to those groups who rely exclusively on belief.
The term Gnosis or Gnosticism has been used in spiritual teachings for unknown centuries. It was used in early Greek philosophy and expressed the foundation of the Greek Mystery Schools, yet it is still debated today which came first: the Greek "Gnosis" or the Sanskrit "Jnana," a term commonly associated with Jnana Yoga, or the path of the knowledge of the divine, whose age and origin is unknown. Nonetheless, there is evidence that the ancient Greek and Hindu schools of divine knowledge learned from each other. Some say that Alexander the Great sought for Gnosis among the Indian yogis.
It is commonly believed that Gnosticism refers exclusively to a handful of philosophical schools of the late Hellenistic and early Christian eras. Yet scholars have recognized that these groups were born from Jewish mysticism, Hellenistic mystery cults, Iranian religious dualism (see Zoroastrianism), and Babylonian and Egyptian mythology, thus the term "Gnostic" would describe a vast sea of religious knowledge.
Scholars present Gnosticism as a collection of movements that opposed the "mainstream" of Christianity, such as those formed by Valentinus and Basilides. It is widely recognized that a large portion of early Christian doctrine (and therefore its descendants) were developed in reaction to these other ideas.
But the actual knowledge and teachings of these "Gnostic" groups were known only from what their enemies wrote (writers such as St. Irenaeus, St. Hippolytus, Tertullian, and Clement of Alexandria).
In the twentieth-century, certain Manichaean and Coptic Gnostic papyri were discovered, providing the first extant Gnostic Gospels and writings. Important texts include The Gospel of Thomas and the Pistis Sophia. These texts opened a world thought lost, and presented to modern humanity the ideas and teachings that gave rise to the persecution of the "heretics" (Gnostics) and the long and troubled history of what has been established as Christianity.
Alternatively, one modern writer described Gnosis as being present in every genuine school of mysticism: "This is the Religion of Wisdom of the ancient Sacerdotal Colleges, of the Gymnosophists, or solitary JINNS from Central Asia, of the Iohanes, Samoans, Egyptian Ascetics, ancient Pythagorians, medieval Rosacrucians, Templars, primeval Masons and other more or less known esoteric Brotherhoods whose list would occupy dozens of pages. This is the Secret Doctrine of the Knights of the Holy Grail. This is the Living Stone of Jacob Gnosis is the flame from which all the religions of the Universe come forth."
In modern times, Gnosticism is a widely abused term, giving rise to many conflicting ideas as to what precisely is meant by it. There are hundreds of "Gnostic" churches, groups, teachings, writers and schools, each claiming to have the true Gnosis, the true knowledge of the divine. These modern groups range from small study groups analyzing the ancient gospels, to movements that claim millions of members. Truly, Gnosticism is not a collection of dead cults; it is a living tradition that has persisted under many faces, but which has never been extinguished, for it is the heart of the human experience: direct, intimate knowledge of higher truths.
Please submit to the appropriate category in the World tree if your site is not in English. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory of the Gnosticism directory if appropriate.
Hinduism, also know as Sanatana Dharma is one of the oldest religions of the world. It originated without any single leader or personality and evolved with scripture expressing diverse thought.
By some account Hinduism has over 2000 Gods and Goddesses and yet incorporates beliefs of those who worship the Divine without form.
While this religion originated in India, today there are over a billion people who call themselves Hindus and practice this religion in some form.
Please submit only sites relating to Hinduism in general.
Other sites should be submitted to the specific sub category.
Only sites in English are to be submitted to this category. Sites in other languages to be submitted to the Hinduism category in those languages. If there is no Hinduism category in that language please submit to the Society/Religion_and_Spirituality category of that language.
Please follow the instructions. This will enable us to review your site quickly.
Thank You.
Humanist groups and other humanist sites. Most organizations listed are associated with the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). Humanist groups associated with the Humanist Movement (Siloist) are listed in a subcategory of their own, and are not associated with the IHEU. Theistic and Christian humanists have their own categories. Explicitly religious humanist and explicitly secular humanist sites should be put in the appropriate subcategory.
Please see which subcategory a site belongs to, and only put sites in the general category which encompass several types of humanism.
Humor with a religious theme.
Sites submitted here should be relevant to religions in general. If the humor is by or for followers of a particular religion, please find the category for that belief and submit there instead.
This category is for sites about relationships among various religious organizations and communities.
Important Notice
This category is for sites about relationships among various religious organizations and communities. If your site is one of the following types of interfaith sites, please follow the instructions below:
- Christian Interfaith Churches
Go here and submit your church according to its location.
- Universal Life Churches
Submit your site here.
- Multiple Religions Simultaneously
If your organization follows multiple religions at the same time, e.g., "We''re an interfaith church following the teachings of Christ, Buddha, and the wisdom of Mother Earth", submit your site here.
If your site is about any one particular religion, please go back and submit the site to a category within that religion.
And if you''re submitting to just tell other people about your religion, don''t do it here.
"There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His prophet" - the fundamental statement of belief of a Muslim.
We welcome websites which express/develop/describe/analyse the faith and practice of Islam. We aim for an inclusive representation of the community of Islam, with all its variety and cultural richness.
- Please help the ODP represent fairly and positively the wealth of experience and belief which has developed over the centuries. We recognize and seek to represent (but make no judgement on) the diversity of the Muslim community, and their different interpretations of faith and practice.
- If you wish to submit a website critical of/hostile to Islam, may we suggest that a more appropriate category may be found within the directory for your own religious tradition, or in Opposing Views.
- Your website must be in English. If not, please use the relevant link to find an appropriate category for the language of your website.
- We will only list sites which are designed to be accessible to a very general reader in this top category. If your site has been written specifically to be accessible for people interested in becoming a Muslim, you might consider Invitation to Islam. If your site uses language and concepts accessible only to people who already have a good understanding of Islam, please consider Guidance Resources
Thank you for taking a bit of time to submit your site to the most appropriate sub-category!
Jainism is one of world's oldest religions.
Revitalized by Mahavira / Mahaveer 2500 years ago,
Non violence or Ahimsa, Meditation and Yoga are inherent
to Jain beliefs and teachings.
Its goal is to attain Moksha or Nirvana.
Religious culture of the Jews, one of the world's oldest religious traditions. Premodern Judaism constituted (and traditional Judaism today constitutes) an integrated cultural system of Jewish law, custom, and practice encompassing the totality of individual and communal existence. It is a system of sanctification in which all is to be subsumed under G-d's rule.
Meditation is a practice with wide reaching roots in many religions as well as general health and stress reduction. Although meditation often has connections to faiths or belief systems, these are not necessary and indeed can be misleading. Meditation does not require a teacher, guru or specific faith any more than it should be limited by having any of these things.
The Meditation category consists primarily of links to the meditation categories of various religions. If your site relates specifically to a particular religious style of meditation, please use that categories submission link. Likewise if your site contains mostly information about the
health benefits of Meditation you should use the link within that category. Only sites containing general information regarding multiple faiths and practices, or religious as well as health benefits, should be submitted here.
Modern movements are an organized attempt to found a religion or practice based on new ideas or a combination of more than one existing ideas. The movements listed in this category should be original blends of thoughts and ideas and should not fall into the philosophy of other religious and spiritual paths categorized elsewhere in this directory.
Mysticism, immediate, direct, intuitive knowledge of God or of ultimate reality attained through personal religious experience. Wide variations are found in both the form and the intensity of mystical experience. The authenticity of any such experience, however, does not depend on the form but solely on the quality of life that follows the experience. A mystical life is characterized by enhanced vitality, productivity, serenity, and joy as the inner and outward aspects harmonize in union with God.
Sites related to Native American worship practices and beliefs.
This category is for authentic American Indian religion and spirituality.
If the site you wish to submit is American Indian but primarily Christian in theme, please submit it here.
If your site is by white people who spiritually admire American Indian ways, please submit it here here.
If your site is about "shamans" or offers to sell any religious services, do NOT put it here. Submit it here.
The New Age movement is a holistic movement, a diverse collection of people who share not so much one set of beliefs, but rather an optimistic faith in the future, a belief in personal and spiritual growth, and an open-mindedness towards non-traditional forms of spirituality.
New Age beliefs are often described as a 'fusion' or 'blend' of some aspects of different established religions, however New Age is not simply anything which cannot be classified by more traditional theologies. It is very difficult to pin down what is, and what is not "New Age", particularly as the term is sometimes used in a derogatory sense by those opposed to this kind of spirituality. Common themes which underpin just about all New Age topics, are the belief in some kind of higher power and an emphasis on taking personal responsibility for one's own spirituality rather than relying upon set rituals or belief systems.
As a general basis, some things that New Age is "NOT" include paranormal, psychic, extra-terrestrial, interested in the pursuit of one individual "god", prophetic, biblical, or separatist (among other things). Any sect (or cult) which deems itself as "the only way", or which assumes its members to be "chosen" or special above all others is by definition - not - New Age.
New Thought is a spiritual movement descended from the work of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and others who, in the mid-19th century, sought to find the universal truths behind all religions.
Most often confused with what is called "New Age" in the media, New Thought is actually an attempt to gather the common thread of truth that is woven through all the world's great spiritual traditions. The principles of New Thought are to be found in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Hinduism, and many philosophical and theological works. It is mostly Christian in background, but has become allied to various religions.
Please submit sites that are related to New Thought, Religious Science, and Divine Science. Submitting sites that are not related to the New Thought movement will delay the sites listing in the directory.
Noahides are Gentiles (non-Jews) who follow what are called the Seven Noahide Laws. The laws are "Noahide" because the seventh was given to Noah. Thus these moral and religious laws are universally binding on all men and women, of every nation.
No matter what the religion, there's always someone with something to say against it. Here is where you will find those people, and what they have to say.
If you have an "Opposing Views" website you wish to submit, please submit it to one of the subcategories listed if your site will fit under one of them. If your site is about a religion not listed, submit it to this category, and a subcategory will be made for that religion upon acceptance of your site.
Pagan is a label on a group of religions. It covers both the resurrection, recreation or revival of old pre-Christian religions (often defined from the perspective of the Roman empire) but also covers new religions who have adopted the label. Some pagans are polytheistic and believe in a whole pantheon of gods, spirits and so on while others may believe in just two gods (usually a male and female) and some are monotheistic.
Please make an effort to find the most specific sub-category in which a site belongs; the main Pagan category is only for sites of broad interest to all pagans.
Pantheism holds that the cosmos, taken or conceived of as a whole, is synonymous with the theological principle of God. The universe is divine, and the earth sacred.
Pantheists do not propose belief in a deity; rather, they hold nature itself as holy. Pantheism reconciles science and religion through ecology leading to strong environmental awareness.
Pantheists belive in Divine Immanence. To the Pantheist, divinity does not transcend reality; it surrounds, and is within. All share in divinity. This leads the pantheist to personal ethics of tolerance and understanding.
See also the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
definition of Pantheism
Websites by or about individual people.
If your website concerns a particular religion, please submit it to the category for that religion.
This category contains sites dealing with religious prophecies - predictions of the future, that are in some way strongly connected to or part of specific faiths. Pages about prophecies that are not connected to specific religions - those allegedly from psychics, alien visitors, or other forces not necessarily acting as intermediaries for the divine - are listed under
Reincarnation category deals with the belief in a soul that survives death of a body and is reborn in another. This belief is common to many cultures and listings engage the reader in exploring and studying these beliefs.
Please read carefully the associated links to this category. If the page you are submitting deals with past life readings, or consulting services, hypnotherapy, death or Ascension.. it belongs in the categories listed under "See also".
The Religious Studies category contains academic sites, references on primary sources (such as texts from various religious traditions), and other resources for the study of religions from an objective or comparative viewpoint.
Sites that emphasize the study of a particular religion by adherents of that religion are classified with that religion.
The Religious Studies category is for objective, academic sites.
If your site is from the perspective of a specific religion, please do not submit it here – it won''t be listed. Instead, go back to
Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/ and submit it to the appropriate subcategory of that religion. This will reduce the number of editors who have to review your site, and allow your site to be listed in Open Directory more quickly.
Most religions have particular writings that they regard as sacred or in some way inspirational. These texts may prescribe religious law, describe historical events, document prophecies, or record words of praise. Some texts have an appeal outside of the religion that considers them sacred and are regarded more generally as important works of literature.
This category provides links to religious texts by name, where there is a category specifically dealing with a named text, and by religious tradition. Sites listed here mostly provide links to online religious texts from multiple religious traditions.
This category is for sites that describe or provide links to online religious texts for more than one religion. If your site is relevant to one religion only, please submit it to the relevant category elsewhere in the directory by following one of the links.
Religious, adjective, having a strong belief in a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship.
Tolerance, noun, willingness to accept behavior and beliefs which are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them.
It is very easy to see, from the definitions alone, why Religious Tolerance can be a difficult subject. Strong beliefs often make tolerance difficult at best.
The sites listed here in Religious Tolerance are intended to provide information and understanding of differing beliefs in order to increase acceptance.
There are several common types of submissions to this category that ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
If your site does not include information comparing or relevent to more than one religion, it will be DELETED. Sites which discuss only one religion should be submitted to that religions category.
Sites that have a general tone of "this religion is picking on me" will not be accepted. The purpose of this category is to list sites about tolerance, not intolerance. Again these sites likely belong in a category specific to that religion.
Sites that are themselves preaching intolerance while complaining of same will not be listed. These sites likely belong in Opposing Views.
This category contains general information about Scientology, Ron L. Hubbard, and religions inspired by him. It includes categories for the Church of Scientology and Free Zone.
The word 'shaman' comes from the Tungus language in Siberia. The term refers to the spiritual leaders of certain societies, usually small-scale societies without centralized political organizations and occupational specialization.
The shaman's primary function is to serve as an intermediary between his or her community and the spirit world. He has direct contact with the spirit world through trance states, uses the trance state for healing, bewitching and divining for his people, and uses his connections to spirits to achieve good or evil goals. Because of this perceived power, he is often the most feared person in the society.
The techniques used in shamanic religions have been adopted by individuals and groups of non-shamanic societies seeking access to the spirit world. Modern versions of shamanism emphasize healing of self and others, but often lack the community foundation of traditional shamanic religions. In these contexts, shamanism is no longer a religion but rather a spiritual practice borrowed from traditional beliefs.
Please submit sites that are directly related to shamanism. Do not include sites with off-topic material such as mediumship, spiritualism, Wicca, psychic phenomena, resurrection, past life experiences, channeling, UFOs, aliens, prophecies, alternative health, and paranormal phenomena. There are appropriate categories elsewhere in the directory for submitting these sites.
This is also not the category for shops, stores and other online businesses. The one exception to the "no sales" rule is the Workshops and Tours subcategory.
Shinto is Japan's indigenous religion; a complex of ancient folk belief and rituals; basically animistic religion that perceives the presence of gods or of the sacred in animals, in plants, and even in things which have no life, such as stones and waterfalls. The roots go back to the distant past. A large number of items discovered amongst remains dating from the Jomon period (up to 200 B.C.) are thought to have had some magical significance.
Please consider applying to become editor of this category. We very much need an editor familiar with Shinto.
Click here to apply.
Commercial sites selling "religious" books or items related to multiple religions.
The focus of the site should be to allow the consumer to select and obtain goods and services and should include prices. This includes:
- Integrated online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to order directly over the Web
- Online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to generate an order form to be sent to the merchant via fax or mail
- Simple directories of products and prices that the user can order via mail or phone.
Sites which describe a business in a more general way, but which do not include actual prices, should be listed in a Business category.
If your site is specific to a religion, please go back and submit your site to the appropriate subcategory. This will reduce the number of editors who have to review your site, and allow your site to be listed in Open Directory more quickly. This category is only for sites that sell products for many religions.
Sikhism is an ethical monotheism fusing elements of Hinduism and Islam. It was founded by Guru Nanak (1469-1539), a mystic who believed that God transcends religious distinctions. Sikhism stresses the unity, truth, and creativity of a personal God and urges union with him through meditation and surrender to his will. It rejects the Hindu caste system, priesthood, image worship, asceticism, and pilgrimage, although it retains the Hindu doctrines of transmigration and karma. The ultimate spiritual authority is the Adi Granth, a collection of hymns and devotional poetry. The Golden Temple in Amritsar is the religious center.
Submit graphics, photographs, paintings or sculpture related websites.
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Site or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.
Spiritualism in its modern incarnation started in the mid nineteenth century in the USA and essentially grew out of Christianity. It is still perceived as largely Christian in its broadest sense (although no-one, least of all Spiritualists, would begin to claim that its beliefs were orthodox), but there are people from other traditions who happily take the title "Spiritualist" whose background is anything but Christian. It involves contact with the spirits of the dead, through a medium.
Contemporary phenomena and links related to individual mediums should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of /Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Spiritualism.
Please suggest your Spiritualism related site to the best subcategory. These categories are not for other religions, or for spiritual sites related to New Age or other topics about personal development. If you wish to list such a site, please find the best category within
If your site is a personal one, that deals with personal issues, find the best subcategory within Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/
or it may be better placed in
or in
A spiritual being is a non-corporeal entity found in many religions and belief systems throughout the world.
In many belief systems, spirits are on the same plane of existence as "gods", though these spirits are of a much lesser magnitude. For example, Thor was a god, and any given dwarf was likewise accounted as a spiritual being in Norse mythology.
Historically, spiritual beings have been ascribed any number of powers, both over nature and over humans. Often their power is said to be linked with their purpose in creation.
In some parts of the world, spiritual beings are believed to be able to possess humans and control their behavior.
For sites which describe individual or general Spiritual Beings.
Tao can be roughly translated into English as
path. It is generally used in a more metaphysical sense within popular Taoism, however. Tao (Dao) is often seen as an insentient and unseen force, principle or system rather than a concrete or even metaphorical path.
Taoists believe that the Tao is the source of all things, and thus Taoism is older than recorded history. The person usually attributed with having "reawakened" knowledge of the Tao is Lao Tzu (604?-531? BCE) a mysterious figure said to have been a librarian in the south of ancient China.
Taoism is a philosophy but evolved into a religion about 140 CE and was later adopted as a state religion. At that time Lao Tzu became popularly venerated as a deity.
See also
FAQ list at the temple.
Please read through the sub-categories before submitting a site to Taoism.
The Articles category is intended for news style or scholarly works on Taoism. These may include papers or speeches previously released and now available on the internet.
The Chats and Forums section is for sites dealing primarily with discussion or mailing lists or web forums. IRC and web chats should be listed here also.
All sites dealing primarily with well known "masters" of Taoism should be submitted to the Sages sub-category. If that Sage already has a sub-category please submit your page there.
The Texts area is primarily for translations of texts from the Taoist canon, as well as books on popular Taoism.
Congregations and resources in this category are Unitarian, Universalist, and/or Unitarian Universalist.
Unitarianism historically developed from a critique of the Trinity as non-Biblical, and from a critique of the doctrine of original sin. In the 16th century belief in a unity of God (not a Trinity) and a single, human nature (not dual or divine nature) of Jesus led to the creation of Unitarian churches in Transylvania (Romania and Hungary) and in Poland. In the US and Great Britain the Unitarian Associations were both founded in 1825.
Universalism is a religious faith incorporating many tenets of Christianity, but not exclusively Christian. It believes in universal salvation, or, as it is now generally stated, in the eternal progress of all souls. In the United States the Universalist movement was organized in 1793.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) represents the interests of more than one thousand Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout North America. It was formed in 1961 by the merger of the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association.
The Universal Life Church was founded in Modesto, California, in 1962 by Kirby Hensley. There are only two requirements for members, to do that which is good and to support freedom of religion. Free ordination is available for anyone.
Similar churches and breakaway churches which adhere to these policies are included here as well, but not churches dedicated to a single religious tradition.
Any site which upholds the mission of doing that which is good and supporting freedom of religion may be included here, so long as it does not promote a single traditional religion. A church which is dedicated to one religion, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Wicca, etc., does not belong here, even if it proclaims itself as a Universal Life Church and is headed by a ULC ordained minister. Such one faith churches belong under the category for that religion. A church for Pagans could be here if it is for different Pagan religions and not just one.
"Yoga" means Union, Union with Power of Divine Love.
Yoga is one of the six classic systems of Hindu philosophy and holds that through the practice of certain disciplines you may achieve liberation from the limitations of flesh, the delusions of sense, and the pitfalls of thought, thus attaining union with the object of knowledge. It is knowledge that is the goal of all Yoga practices. In fact, Yoga doctrine insists that physical and mental training is to be used only as a means to spiritual ends.
Please submit only sites relating to Yoga in general.
Other sites should be submitted to the specific sub category.
If your site is about a Yoga Center or Teacher it should be submitted to the category.
Please submit the site to the sub category of the country in which your center is located.
Only sites in English are to be submitted to this category. Sites in other languages to be submitted to the Yoga category in those languages.
If there is no Yoga category in that language please submit to the
Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/ category of that language.
Please follow the instructions. This will enable us to review your site quickly.
Thank You.
Zoroastrianism is the ancient religion of Persia. It was founded about 3500 years ago by the prophet Zarathushtra. Arising out of the polytheistic traditions of ancient India and Iran, he was one of the first monotheists in human history. Zarathushtra preached that there was one God, whom he called Ahura Mazda. Ahura means "Lord," and Mazda means "Wise," so Zoroastrians call God the "Wise Lord." Zarathushtra has been known in the West as Zoroaster, from the Greek transliteration of his name; in Persia and India he is known as Zarthosht.
Please consider applying to become editor of this category. We very much need an editor familiar with Zoroastrianism.
Click here to apply.