Category for Internet-related humor. For example, a parody of an I[nternet]S[ervice]P[rovidor] could go in this category as well as jokes about the Internet, Internet-related pictures, and general Internet humor.
Please only submit Internet-related humor sites. For example, a parody of an ISP. Please do not submit general humor, find the correct subcategory in Recreation/Humor . Thank you.
This category was created because several editors discovered dead-end pages and found them to be amusing.
This category is for pages that proclaim themselves to be a "Dead-End Page", "The End of the Internet", or the like. Pages with no links belong in Recreation: Humor: Computer Humor: Internet Humor: Dead-End Pages. Pages with links belong in Recreation: Humor: Computer Humor: Internet Humor: Dead-End Pages: Impostors; how can they be dead-end pages if they have links?
Parodies of Websites etc. - not general parodies.
If the your site is of an adult nature please submit to the Adult/Recreation/Humor/Parodies area.
Online filters that allow web pages to be viewed in new ways.