This category is for websites about recurring festivals or events with food as the primary theme.

Websites about festivals/events where food is served but isn''t the focus (such as meals held to raise funds for an organization) should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.

Please note:
Websites of local businesses such as restaurants and caterers will not be listed here. They should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.
Sites for restaurants or caterers submitted here will be deleted without review.

Recurring festivals or events focused on fish and seafood.
This category is for websites about recurring festivals or events with fish and/or seafood as the primary theme.

Websites about one-time festivals/events or where food is served but isn''t the focus (such as meals held to raise funds for an organization) should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.

Please include the following in the description:
The event''s location
The time of year the event is typically held
A brief description of what''s on the website.
Following these guidelines will help the volunteer editors to review the site sooner.

Events largely focused on fruit.
This category is for websites about recurring festivals or events, with fruit as the primary theme.

Websites about festivals/events where food is served but isn''t the focus, (such as meals held to raise funds for an organization) should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.

Please note:
Websites of local businesses such as restaurants, farms, and caterers will not be listed here. They should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.
Sites for restaurants, food processors, farms, or caterers submitted here will be deleted
without review.

events focussed primarily on vegetables
This category is for websites about recurring festivals or events with corn as the primary theme.

Websites about festivals/events where food is served but isn''t the focus, (such as meals held to raise funds for an organization) should instead be submitted to the Regional branch.