This area is for the listing of sites discussing fruits or vegetables or having recipes including them.
Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of apples, and recipes using apples in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject.

If the site you wish to submit is selling apples, please submit the site to Shopping/Food/Produce/Fruit/Apples. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.

This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Apricots, and recipes using Apricots in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Apricots, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Artichokes, and recipes using Artichokes in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Artichokes, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Asparagus, and recipes using Asparagus in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Asparagus, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Avocados, and recipes using Avocados in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Avocados, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
The plantain (or platanos) is a banana, musa paradisiaca, which is eaten cooked rather than raw. Plantain are eaten in most tropical countries of the world.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing Bananas and Plantains or having recipes including them. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in Shopping or Shopping/Food.

Thank you.

Beans and legums are high fiber, high protein foods. This category includes sites with recipes featuring beans.
Site should focus on bean and legume recipes. You may submit the result of a search for bean recipes on a site, provided a URL exists that points directly to those results.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing Beets or having recipes including them.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing Beets or having recipes including them. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Beets, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing berries or having recipes including them.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing Berries or having recipes including them. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Berries, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing broccoli or having recipes including them.
Sites should focus on the selection, preparation, and cooking of broccoli, with recipes using broccoli in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing cabbage or having recipes including them.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Cabbage, with recipes using Cabbage in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Recipes should include significant amounts of carambola, also known as star fruit.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of carambola, also known as star fruit, with recipes using carambola in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Carrots, with recipes using Carrots in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Cauliflower, with recipes using Cauliflower in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Conical or heart-shaped fruit, 4 to 8 inches long and up to 4 inches in width, weighing on the average 5-1/2 to 18 ounces, but may reach 5 pounds in weight. Flesh is creamy white, soft, juicy, sweet and very fragrant, with a custard-like consistency.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Cherries, and recipes using Cherries in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Cherries, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Corn, and recipes using Corn in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Corn, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Cucumbers, and recipes using Cucumbers in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Cucumbers, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Eggplant, and recipes using Eggplant in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Eggplant, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Figs, and recipes using Figs in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Figs, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Recipes in this category are for creating dishes or cooking with fresh grapes, grape leaves, and raisins. Wine recipes can be found in Home/Cooking/Beverages/Wine. Jams and jellies can be found in Home/Cooking/Jams,_Jellies,_and_Preserves.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Grapes, and recipes using Grapes in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling Grapes, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Includes recipe sites for green, leafy vegetables including Swiss chard, kale, collards, mustard greens, spinach, sorrel, bok choy, and cabbage. Also includes salad greens such as lettuce, dandelion leaves, chicory, arugula, and radicchio.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Greens, and recipes using Greens in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Greens, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Kiwi Fruit, and recipes using Kiwi Fruit in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Kiwi Fruit, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
A member of the turnip family sometimes called cabbage turnip. Both the stem and greens are edible.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Kohlrabi, and recipes using Kohlrabi in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Kohlrabi, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Mangos, and recipes using Mangos in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Mangos, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Melons, and recipes using Melons in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Melons, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Recipes here should feature mushrooms as a primary ingredient, which should be determined by the fact that mushrooms or mushroom types appear in the title or are used in large amounts in the list of ingredients. Include here sites for individual kinds of mushrooms, including shiitake or shitake, morels, crimini, portabella, enoki, oyster, maitake, and other domesticated or wild mushrooms and fungi.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Mushrooms, and recipes using Mushrooms in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Mushrooms, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Okra, and recipes using Okra in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Okra, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Find links to sites offering recipes using olives.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Onions, and recipes using Onions in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Onions, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Recipes using papayas as a significant ingredient.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Papayas, and recipes using Papayas in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Papayas, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Parsnips, and recipes using Parsnips in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Parsnips, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
The American pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is in the family of Annonaceae (Custard Apple Family), also known as Indiana Banana, Hoosier Banana and Poor Man's Banana. It is usually eaten as fresh fruit or processed into desserts, although there are many other uses as well. This is not the same fruit as the pawpaw in Australian, Caribbean or "English" English. That pawpaw is the same as the papaya.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of American pawpaw, and recipes using American pawpaw in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling American pawpaw, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Peaches, and recipes using Peaches in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Peaches, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Pears, and recipes using Pears in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Pears, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Pepper - Capsicum whose fruits are hot peppers or sweet peppers; the fruit of a pepper that is usually red or yellow when ripe. This category is for the listing of sites pertaining to sweet and hot peppers.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Peppers, and recipes using Peppers in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Peppers, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area is for the listing of sites discussing Persimmons or having recipes including them. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
Cooking information and recipes that focus on the plum and prunes.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Pomegranates, and recipes using Pomegranates in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Pomegranates, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Potatoes, and recipes using Potatoes in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Potatoes, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Pumpkin or Squash, and recipes using Pumpkin or Squash in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Pumpkin or Squash, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Rutabagas, and recipes using Rutabagas in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Rutabagas, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This category is for sites containing recipes for sandwich spreads and fillings using fruit or vegetables as one of the main ingredients.
Submit sites to this category that contain recipes for sandwich spreads or fillings using fruit or vegetables as one of the main ingredients.

Sites should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory.
Sea vegetables are edible plants, primarily seaweeds, that grow in or near the ocean. They have been harvested and eaten in Asian countries and other coastal areas for centuries. They have naturally high concentrations of nutrients, particularly minerals.

Some sea vegetables are known by a variety of names:

    Hiziki - hijiki
    Irish moss - carrageen moss
    Kombu - kelp, konbu, oarweed, sea cabbage, sea tangle
    Nori - laver, purple laver, purple seaweed
    Samphire - glasswort, marsh samphire, passe-pierre, pousse-pied, pousse-pierre, rock samphire, salicornia, sea asparagus, sea bean, sea green bean, sea fennel, sea pickle
    Wakame - Alaria is often sold as wakame in the U.S.
Recipe substitutions:
    Arame - dulse, hiziki, kombu, wakame
    Dulse - arame, hiziki, sea lettuce, wakame
    Hiziki - arame, dulse
    Sea lettuce - dulse, wakame
    Wakame - alaria, arame, dulse, sea lettuce

This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of sea vegetables, and recipes using sea vegetables in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject.

If the site you wish to submit is selling sea vegetables, please submit it to Shopping: Food: Produce: Vegetables: Sea Vegetables.

This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Sweet Potatoes or Yams, and recipes using Sweet Potatoes or Yams in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Sweet Potatoes or Yams, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Tomatillos, and recipes using Tomatillos in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Tomatillos, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Tomatoes, and recipes using Tomatoes in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Tomatoes, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.
This area focuses on the selection, preparation, and cooking of Turnips, and recipes using Turnips in significant amounts. Please ensure that the site you wish to submit pertains to this subject. If the site you wish to submit, is selling Turnips, please find the appropriate category in Shopping/Food. If the site you wish to submit to The Open Directory Project is selling books, food or kitchen wares please find the appropriate category in the Shopping categories. Thank you.