Internet etiquette, or "Netiquette", refers to practices of writing, contact, and behavior on the Internet. This includes normal terms of etiquette, as well as other conventions of behavior that have become established over years of electronic communication.
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Chat etiquette is the "Do's and Don'ts" of online conversation.
Submit topics relating to web-based and IRC (Internet Relay Chat) chats.
Commercial Internet etiquette is the "Do's and Don'ts" of online business practice.
Email etiquette refers to proper practices of writing, contact, and behavior used in email.
This sub-category of Etiquette does not overlap with

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Any pages regarding etiquette and flaming goes here.
Please only submit web sites relating to flaming in a manner such as NOT flaming, examples of flaming, etc. Not a site that flames something/someone, and does not talk about flaming.
Mailing list etiquette refers to the practices of writing, contact, and behavior used in mailing lists.
This sub-category of Etiquette does not overlap with

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