This category features sites that focus on song lyrics.
For sites offering lyrics by more than one artist or songwriter. If your site is artist or band specific please visit Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists and find the appropriate category. For genre specific websites there are sub categories available such as rock, country or jazz.
For lyric sites that pertain to specific artists.
Please do not submit sites to this category. Please vist the artist''s main category under


This lyrics category lists sites which are solely dedicated to Bluegrass lyrics, or have at least a substantial number of Bluegrass lyrics posted.
Please avoid hype in the description. Refrain from using words like "#1", "the ultimate", or "the best". Submit your site here only if it is MAINLY a bluegrass lyrics site. All other submissions will not be accepted.

Note that if your site has lyrics about one specific artist, it should be submitted to the Arts/Music/Styles/Bluegrass/Bands_and_Artists category, in the proper category for the artist.

If your site is about bluegrass generally, but is not predominently lyrics, it should be submitted to the Arts/Music/Styles/Bluegrass category.

Do not submit a site if it is still under construction. These will be deleted immediately!

This lyrics category lists sites which are solely dedicated to blues lyrics or have at least a substantial number of blues lyrics posted.
Please only submit sites that are category related and have a relevant number of blues lyrics. Visit some of the sites listed and see if the site you want to submit qualifies before actually submitting a site.
This category is for sites that meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • The site has the lyrics to songs by multiple country artists.
  • The site is a place where people can post their original country song lyrics.
Please follow these submission guidelines:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This lyrics category lists sites which are solely dedicated to folk and traditional lyrics, or have at least a substantial number of folk lyrics posted.
Please avoid hype in the description. Refrain from using words like "#1", "the ultimate", or "the best". Submit your site here only if it is MAINLY a folk lyrics site. All other submissions will not be accepted.

Note that if your site has lyrics about one specific artist, it should be submitted to the Arts/Music/Styles/Folk/Bands_and_Artists category, in the proper category for the artist.

If your site is about folk music generally, but is not predominently lyrics, it should be submitted to the Arts/Music/Styles/Folk category.

Do not submit a site if it is still under construction. These will be deleted immediately!

Category for websites with rap, hip-hop lyrics, and related lyrics.

Please only submit sites that meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • The site has the lyrics to songs by more than one rap artist.
  • The site is a place where people can post their original rap lyrics.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category is for websites dealing with humorous song lyrics, such as misheard songs, song parodies, and random lyrical generators. Misheard song lyrics (also known as Mondegreens), are instances when someone does not understand the original song lyrics to a song, and instead sing the wrong lyrics. Song parodies are intentional changing of the lyrics of a well-known song in order to make it humorous or express a different viewpoint. Random lyrical generators dynamically change the lyrics to songs, either through re-arranging the order, or combining the lyrics with other songs or some other form of manipulation.
Please do not submit websites that deal with musical humor in general (such as musician jokes). This category is for websites which focus on funny song lyrics, or funny treatments of regular song lyrics.
Sites written in English which discuss or archive lyrics in other languages. Also sites which discuss or archive translations of lyrics from other languages into English.
This category is for sites written in English about lyrics in other languages, or translated from other languages.

Please submit sites written in languages other than English to the appropriate World category.

This lyrics category lists sites which are solely dedicated to jazz lyrics or have at least a substantial number of jazz lyrics posted.
Please only submit sites that are category related and have a relevant number of jazz lyrics. Visit some of the sites listed and see if the site you want to submit qualifies before actually submitting a site. All styles of jazz lyrics, like swing and ragtime for instance, are welcome.
For lyrics from rock and pop/rock bands and artists.
Also see sub-category for Heavy Metal, and separate lyrics category for Pop.
Search engines focussing on lyrics.
Submit in this category only if the lyrics site has a fully working search facility. Lyrics should be in English and there must be a sufficient volume of lyrics in the database to ensure the search renders a satisfactory return. Submissions will not be accepted for sites "under construction", with poor spelling or grammar, or if they contain excessive pop-up''s, irrelevent or affiliate links.