O Galego é unha lingua falada no Nordeste da Península Ibérica, na rexión coñecida como Galicia. Na idade media Galicia foi un reino independente a partir do cal recuperouse o este da Península das mans dos musulmáns.
A medida que os territorios foron conquistados a lingua falada daquela en Galicia (coñecida como Galego-Portugués) estendeuse cara o Sur onde hoxe en día atopase Portugal, onde máis tarde evolucionaría polo seu propio camiño dando orixe o Portugués.
Galicia cando a Idade Media chegaba o seu fin caeu baixo o dominio do Reino Español, situación que dura ata os nosos días. O Galego creceu separado do Portugués e recibindo máis influencia do Español, especialmente cando os españois castigaron o uso da lingua, comezando os "Séculos Escuros" da literatura galega, que prolongáronse durante máis de catrocentos anos. Non foi ata o século dezanove que o galego comezouse a falar de novo nas escolas usándoo escritores locais e poetas.
Nos nosos días o Galego e a lingua oficial, antes co Castelán, na Comunidade Autónoma Galega, e é falado ou entendido por a maioría da poboación. Publícanse libros, musica e películas en Galego, e hai canles de televisión que emiten nesta lingua as vintecatro horas o día.
Galego is a language spoken in the northwestern of Spain, in the region known as Galicia.
In the Middle Age Galicia was an independent kingdom, the base from which the west coastal lands (known today as Portugal) were recovered from the hands of the Muslim.
As territories were being conquered the language spoken at that time in Galicia (known as Galego-Portugues) was adopted by them, and later evolved in its own way; this is the origin of Portuguese.
The mainland (Galicia) felt later, when the Middle Age was reaching its end, under the domain of the spanish kingdom, and so has remained until today. Galego growth separated from Portuguese and receiving more influence from Spanish, specially after the spaniards punished the use of the language, starting the "Dark Age" of Galician literature, which lasted for almost 400 years. It wasn't until the 19th century that Galego started being taught again at the schools and used by local writers and poets.
Today Galego is the official language, before Spanish, within the Autonomous Community of Galicia, and is spoken or understood by virtually all the population. Books, musics and films are published in Galego, and there's a local TV chanel (TVG) which broadcasts in this language 24 hours a day.
Language: | Galician - ISO 639a: gl, NISO Z39.53: gag |
Resources: | /Science/Social_Sciences/Language_and_Linguistics/Natural_Languages/Indo-European/Italic/Romance/Galician/ - Other: Ethnologue |
Countries [Common codes]: | Spain [.es] |
categorías 14
![[Galego Mozilla]](../../img/moz/mozilla_Galego.gif)