Geeks and Nerds, those misfits of society. Whatever your interest, be it coding, books, Role Playing or online gaming, there are sites out there to promote the geek lifestyle and reassure you that you aren't alone, and you might just be cool too.
Subcategories 4
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Sites 17
The Journal of Geek Culture. Cultural criticism, fiction, humor, art and random snarking. The quest to discover what geeks really are.
Geek Chic
A look at the Geek Lifestyle as fashion. Includes an entertaining collecting of essays on Geek Culture.
Geek Code 3.12 CODEC
Geek code generator executable file available for Windows and DOS operating systems.
The Geek Code Decoder Page
This page allows you to enter a geek code to decode it. It works with Geek Code Version 3.12.
Geek Cruises
Tropical cruises with a Geek theme, such as Linux Lunacy and Java Jam. Price includes seminars by Geek Gods such as Eric Raymond and Randal Schwartz.
Geek Culture
A celebration of all that's geeky including geek love, geeky cartoons, geeky downloads, and geek erotica.
A technology resource with purchasing advice, a glossary of technical terms, hardware and software reviews and detailed processor specifications.
The homepage for the Santa Cruz Geek social scene.
The Geekie Awards
An award show by geeks for geeks.
Geeks! Cartoon
Weekly cartoon of Silicon Valley life, work, relationships, and sex (or lack thereof) by Julie Sigwart
Grown Up Geek
Provides tech help in the digital world so geeks won't bothered so much in the analog world.
A social site helping to co-ordinate regional chapters. Offers mailing lists and articles.
Nerds, Outcast and Misfit Resources
Aimed at teens who feel like misfits in school, support is offered to help them cope and develop their own sense of geek pride.
Tips and reference material for NetworkGeeks.
Focal point for discussion pertaining to current affairs and original collaborative articles. Attempts to accommodate a variety of nerd types.
Peer 2 Peer Personals
Dating for geeks from the User Friendly people. Meet like minded individuals for correspondence.
A series of live events focused on geeks and geek culture, featuring performers such as Adam Savage, Wil Wheaton, Paul and Storm, Jonathan Coulton, Chris Hardwick, Marian Call and other geek luminaries.
Other languages 3
![[Mozilla Einstein]](../../../img/moz/einstein.gif)
Last update:
September 24, 2016 at 1:16:26 UTC