Chant was THE music of worship for Jews and Christians until after 1500; it remains the "normative" music of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, is sometimes used by Anglicans and Presbyterians, and is a source for many modern hymn tunes. Unlike hymns (and almost all other music heard in the modern Western world), Chant rhythm is not based on regular meters traceable back to dance forms, but on the rhythm of the words being sung. Chant also retains a notion of harmony fundamentally different from the keys, modulations, and even scales typical of Western art and popular music. [Editor's note: this category primarily includes links to collections of links, as I know very little of the subject. Fortunately, there are several excellent link collections out there. Also, I'd encourage anyone with interest and knowledge of the subject to donate their time to this part of the Open Directory Project.]

Subcategories 5

Related categories 3

Gregorian Schola: Chant Resources
[links; studies; history; recordings; organizations] This group is dedicated to the study and performance of Gregorian chant
Catholic Encyclopedia: Gregorian Chant
An excellent short description and history of Gregorian chant with links to more info.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Plain Chant
Description and history of Western plain chant, the precursor to Gregorian chant.
Chant Links
[links] to introductions; midi files; organizations; publishers;
Church Music Association of America
Website of the Church Music Association of America. Lists officers, publications,educational events including Gregorian chant instruction classes.
Dovesong International -- Plainsong
(recommended introductory recordings for sale; links)
Georgian Folk and Sacred Music
History and tradition of Georgian Sacred Music
Georgian Web
[hymnology, 1 midi] (hosted by Besiki Sisauri) [the Caucasus republic, not the North American state.]
Gregorian Association
[history; notation; fonts; links; calendar of events] (London, England)
Gregorian Chant Bibliography and Links
(from Saint John's Abbey, (Order of St. Benedict) Collegeville, MN USA.)
Gregorianischer Choral
Gregorian Chant in the Tradition of Monastic Life. Full length article in German.
Norma Gentile
Gregorian Chant recordings, with a dose of new age mysticism.
Paraclete Press
[commercial: recordings; books; scores] Publishing arm of the Community of Jesus, an ecumenical monastic community in the Benedictine tradition.
Saint Peter's Abbey of Solemes
[English, French, Spanish] A center for the study of Gregorian Chant. Information about retreats, and a virtual tour.
Unmercenary Sacred Music
Free congregational liturgical music for Orthodox and Catholic communities, using traditional eccelesiastical chant (and mostly adapted from chant.)
Viri Galilaei Association
This choir at the Cathedral of Santa Maria, Florence, aims to rediscover the tradition of Gregorian Chant. Details of their CDs and performances.
Worship & Liturgy Links: Chant
[links] hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada
Last update:
November 14, 2016 at 8:05:09 UTC
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