Subcategories 7
Related categories 3
Sites 10
Child Labour 1750-1850
Extensive treatment of the topic, from the Encyclopaedia of British History.
History Of Work Information System
Presents the world of work of the past as known by occupational activities.
Illinois Labor History Society
Dedicated to the preservation of labor history materials of the Illinois Region.
International Association of Labour History Institutions
Provides news, serials tables of contents, and other services from all major collecting institutions in the field.
Labor and Working-Class History Association
An academic hub dedicated to the promotion of the study of labor and working-class history.
Labor Arts
Virtual museum exhibiting and cataloging the art of the labor movement and working people. Collections include parades, cartoon art on labor themes, and buttons and badges.
Smithsonian Magazine: Hell's Bells
An article on the widespread introduction of clocks and how this affected factory workers during the start of the 19th century.
Social History Portal
News, links and resources.
Wisconsin Labor History Society
Website dedicated to the preservation of the history of Wisconsin's workers and labor unions.
Website of The International Association of Labour Museums.
Last update:
January 5, 2017 at 11:54:04 UTC