Computer simulation establishes relations between MODELS and COMPUTERS. The whole simulation task normally includes also the modeling issues, resulting in a software tool that helps us to understand the behavior of an existing real system or something we are designing or constructing. This category contains links to relevant simulation sites. The main purpose is to help people who are not professional simulationists to get more information about existing simulation tools.
Subcategories 1
Sites 115
A Collection of Modelling and Simulation Resources on the Internet
A collection of links to various software tools and libraries for simulation.
The Society For Computer Simulation International
International, multidisciplinary forum dedicated to research, development and applications of simulation.
State-of-the-art modeling and simulation package for dynamic systems using iconic diagrams, block diagrams, bond graphs and equation models. Download a free full-working demo now.
Abstraction Software LLC.
Windows based workflow and network simulation products. Offers screenshots, demo software, bibliography, references, and contacts.
ACIMS -- Arizona Center of Integrated Modeling & Simulation
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Group. The page contains summaries of ACIMS simulation projects, simulation links, and news. One of the main research projects is the Discrete Event Specification Formalism (DEVS).
The AEgis Technologies Group, Inc.
Modeling simulation systems engineering, evaluation studies analysis, electro optic photonics training education. ACSL HLA Lab Works LabWorks Verification Validation.
The AgentSheets Visual and Tactile Programming Languages
Build your own interactive simulation and publish it as Java applet on the web. AgentSheets is an agent-based simulation-authoring tool. The user community ranges from elementary school kids to professional scientists.
Provides Computer-aided engineering technology and engineering design analysis software products.
BarDyne Inc
Designers of HyPneu simulation software, a
virtual laboratory for the design and simulation of fluid power and motion control systems. Also offering unique educational publications and training for fluid power professionals.
Binary Star, Ltd.
A space simulation software development company. Products range from the integrated Shuttle mission simulation package, to its family of Interactive Space Simulations.
BTS Business Simulation
Develops business simulation games and applications.
Free download of simulation software, Simprocess or Simscript. Use simulation packages to design and test business ideas.
CARA: Computer Aided Room Acoustics
Comprehensive room acoustics simulation software. CARA optimizes automatically the positioning of loudspeakers, visualizes the sound field in 3D and calculates a great variety of room acoustic reference numbers.
Cell-DEVS modelling
Modelling and simulation methodologies based on the DEVS (Discrete Event Specification) formalism. Public domain software available, running in centralized/distributed environments.
Provide consulting in all aspects of process simulation; debottlenecking, revamps, optimization, and design. Expertise includes batch, steady state, and dynamic simulation. They also provide advanced training courses.
CIM Ireland
Simulation of manufacturing processes and call centers. Provides design, modeling and training expertise for electronic, assembly, business, and pharmaceutical processes.
Claytex Services Ltd
Engineering consultancy and software specialising in Systems Engineering using Dymola, Modelica and FMI.
Common Image Generator (CIGI) Home
Home of the Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI), an interface designed to promote a standard way for a host device to communicate with an image generator (IG) in the simulation industry.
Computer Simulations in Physics
A page with examples of simulations of fluid dynamics, wave equations and mechanics, done by a student of Computational Physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). Graphics and animations included.
Cosateq GmbH & Co.
Offers SCALE-RT, a simulation software for rapid control prototyping applications and for hardware-in-the-loop test systems.
A provider of Windows-based business simulation software and consulting services. They have been developing dynamic process engineering solutions
since 1992.
CSIM Performance Simulator
Lockheed Martin ATL's CSIM is a general purpose discrete-event simulator for block diagram oriented systems. CSIM works with gcc to produce simulations for any domain.
CyberLogic, Inc.
Produces and sells ultrasound simulation software, Wave2000, markets a finite element stress analysis package named FEMdesigner and does research on 3D display systems, orthopaedic research, and the non-invasive assessment of bone for diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Providers of software development services and training related to the development of distributed simulation applications. Also producers of GL Studio, a realtime OpenGL source code development tool.
The Distributed Observer Network is a 3D environment used at NASA where simulation results can be assessed simultaneously by multiple users at multiple locations.
Dunip Technologies
Provides consulting and collaborative services and develops event modeling and customized simulation software.
ECA Faros
Designer and developer of low cost PC simulators for training purpose in the transport industry especially driving simulator and flight training simulators.
EcosimPro Simulation Tool
EcosimPro simulation tool for modeling systems.
Manufacturers of innovative training and simulation equipment for the defence and commercial market as well as high quality interactives and exhibits for the museum and heritage industry.
Engine Room Simulators
Two stroke and four stroke diesel engine simulators are available. The short history of a diesel engine simulator is also included.
Enterprise Dynamics Simulation Software
Enterprise Dynamics is a decision support tool for the simulation, visualization and control of real-life systems.
The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology
EUROSIS is a non-profit society that aims to be the primary initiator of European simulation and modelling projects, bridging the gap between academic and industry based simulation and modelling research.
European Social Simulation Association
ESSA, founded in 2002, encourages the development of social simulation in Europe and more widely, promotes international cooperation among those working in the field, and organizes regular regional and international conferences.
EZSIM Simulation Software Free Download
The unlimited version of EZSIM, an intelligent simulation modeling environment with discrete event modeling engine and event animation capabilities, may be downloaded free of charge at this site.
Facsimile Simulation/Emulation Library
Project to develop a free, high quality, discrete-event simulation/emulation library designed for industrial simulation and emulation projects in an engineering or manufacturing environment.
Finite Elements Program Z88
Z88 is an open source finite elements program for Windows and LINUX. In German and English.
Desktop software that simplifies the job of sizing, designing and simulating continuous and batch furnaces for industrial applications.
GoldSim Simulation Software
GoldSim software provides the ability to simulate discrete event and continuous processes simultaneously, address uncertainty in your models, and link your GoldSim models with spreadsheets, databases, and external programs.
Guy's Very Rudimentary Homepage
Publishes Guy Bormann's PhD thesis on stochastic simulation of 3D reaction-diffusion in biophysically realistic compartmental neurone models.
Haven Automation Ltd.
Designs, develops, manufactures and services field calibration equipment for electrical, pressure and temperature equipment. Details of products and UKAS-accredited laboratories in Feltham, England.
Highpoint Software Systems, LLC
Uses modern software engineering techniques to provide simulation services.
Imagine That, Inc.
Simulation products and solutions powered by Extend - industrial strength simulation tools that help you analyze your options to maximize improvement efforts, reduce costs, streamline operations, and implement new processes.
INCONTROL Simulation Software Solutions
Offers a decision support tool for the simulation, visualization and control of real-life systems. Details of training and global industrial applications.
Industrial Studies Based on Simulation
Support of industry managers with simulation to assist their decision making process. 1Point2 provides services, fine software and training in the field of simulation.
computer simulators of thermal imaging systems
The Institute for Simulation and Training
A simulation, training, modeling and virtual reality research center located by the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, Florida. Presentation, programs and news.
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
Published 4 times a year by ACTA Press, this journal covers languages, hardware, software, methodology, identification, numerical methods, graphical methods, VLSI, microcomputers in simulation and applications.
JiST - Java in Simulation Time
Discrete event simulation engine that runs over a standard Java virtual machine.
Kiran Consulting Group
Specialists in Simulation, Flow and Lean Manufacturing, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Staffing and Forecasting and Industrial Engineering solutions. The products include Computer Simulation for Lean and Flow Manufacturing
Lanner Group
Specializes in simulation based planning, scheduling, and decision support software.
Links to Simulation Software
Useful links to simulation tools, used in discrete event simulation and applications in animated battle simulations.
List of Queueing Theory Software
List of Queueing Theory Software, including useful simulation tools. The list was compiled by Dr. Myron Hlynka of the University of Windsor, who welcomes any additions to the list.
Free software providing a professional solution for exploratory data analysis. It allows for live monitoring of real-time data and can easily be integrated into any software.
The MathWorks
Developers of MATLAB, Simulink and Stateflow. Offers products for data analysis, visualization, application development, simulation, design, and code generation.
MC-SET: Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Trajectories
Software developed by DLM Enterprises dealing with electron trajectories for conditions normally used in scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
Multi-domain simulation modeling tool with hierarchical block diagrams, C++ primitives, TckTk programming and both dynamic and batch execution. Free full-function evaluation downloads.
Model Transformation Tools (MTT)
MTT comprises a set of tools for modelling dynamic physical systems using the bond graph methodology and transforming these models into representations suitable for analysis, control and simulation. These tools use, and generate m files for, GNU Octave.
Moshe Cohen: SimWiz
Free software for building and running discrete event simulations.
Simulation, modeling and visualization software. It includes a simulator that solves equations and handles data management and a graphical interface to define input scenarios, inspect model results and present the model itself.
Notes about Network Simulators
The aim of this compilation is to overview some of the simulators currently available.
Offers full
simulation consulting services, including the development of custom simulation applications.
An open-source, component-based simulation package designed for modeling communication networks, multi-processors and other distributed systems. It offers a large C++ simulation class library and strong GUI support (graphical network editing, animation, result visualization).
Opal-RT: Open Scalable Real-Time Simulation & Control
Tools and services to accelerate control system engineering, modeling and simulation software products.
Open Dynamics Engine
ODE is a free library for simulating rigid body dynamics (e.g. ground vehicles, legged creatures, and motion in VR environments).
Operations Research / Management Science Today Resource Directory
The premier buyer's guide for operations research, management science professionals seeking software and consulting solutions.
PAMM: Propagation of Acoustic Waves in Multilayered Media
Simulation tool that enables the prediction of the pressure field in stratified media formed by materials of different acoustic characteristics.
Pathfinder Systems
Simulation, Neural Nets serving simulation of human behavior, combination of virtual and live images, augmented reality, high-altitude long-endurance unmanned air vehicles.
A modular, distributed pedestrian crowd simulation system.
Pitch software for the High Level Architecture
The High Level Architecture (HLA IEEE 1516) is the latest standard for connecting simulation systems. Pitch's website contains descriptions of the standard as well as software supporting it, both commercial and "Light" versions.
PLECS - Simulation of Electric Circuits in MATLAB/Simulink
PLECS is a unique tool for the fast simulation of electrical circuits within the Simulink environment. Although specially designed for power electronics systems it is a versatile program for any combined simulation of electrical circuits and controls.
A three-dimensional pore network model which allows the study of the properties of pore-fluids in meso- and macro-porous solids, such as catalysts, soil, sandstone and paper coatings.
Power Tools for Visualization and Decision-Making
Remarks on simulation as a powerful tool for imagining new systems and allowing scientists to both quantify and observe their behavior.
Xholan is an open source general-purpose modeling and simulation tool. Supported domains include agent based modeling, biochemical network modeling, state machine simulation, execution of UML models and combinations of these.
Production Modeling Corporation (PMC)
PMC is a simulation and scheduling services company with expertise in applying simulation and scheduling in manufacturing and other industries. PMC also provides technical staffing in simulation and industrial engineering as well as contract program
Prof. Blair & Associates
Provides simulation software, created by engineers for engineers, to aid in the design of components within the cylinder heads of 4-stroke engines.
Project Magenta
Project Magenta - High End Flight Simulation Software. FMC, Glass Cockpit, Flight Automation
Promodel Corporation
Manufacturing, medical, and service simulation modeling.
PS1 - Flight and systems simulation for the B747
PS1 is a professional research and training tool for the Boeing 747-400 series. It models the entire FMC, EFIS, EICAS, MCP, TCAS, electrics, and hydraulics simultaneously in real time.
QuantumOctave is a set of GNU Octave functions for doing quick-and-dirty simulations of quantum computers and - in general - quantum systems.
Raczynski Consulting
Training, consulting, articles, and software downloads representing Dr. Stanislaw Raczynski's work.
General purpose discrete event simulation software designed for construction and operation of dynamic simulations of logical systems in a graphical environment. Demonstration version available to download.
A software framework for creating agent based simulations using the Java language
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Developer of ARENA, simulation software to help demonstrate, predict, and measure system strategies by analyzing the impact of business ideas before applying them to the business.
ROSIM Systems Home site.
Introduces ROSIM Systems SimKit a new business system simulation/design tool. Describes what it's for and how to use it. Screen shots included.
Saker Solutions
Independent supplier of simulation services including consultancy and training.
Savannah Simulations – Business Simulations
Savannah Simulations provides modeling and simulation services for business and related areas. Savannah Simulations applies the system dynamics approach and other simulation methodologies: agent based simulation, discrete event simulation and neural networks.
Scalable Networks
Network simulator designed from the outset for maximum speed and scalability, with real-time simulation as an achievable goal.
Develops, implements and distributes simulation technology for material science research.
Scientific Software International, Inc.
SSI publishes: LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling. HLM for Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling. Item Response Theory (IRT) based programs for test analysis and test scoring: BILOG, BILOG-MG, MULTILOG, PARSCALE, and TESTFACT.
System Effectiveness Analysis Simulation is the U.S. Air Force's constructive, agent-based military utility analysis tool. It is used by government, industry and academia to quantify the nonlinear effects of C4ISR, CONOPS and new concepts.
Show Flow Simulation Software
Program for manufacturing, logistics and material handling.
Open source context simulator written in Java. It visualizes context information, generates datasets for machine learning, and tests and demonstrates applications.
SigmaPi Neurosimulator
SigmaPi is a simulator for recurrent neural neural networks. It uses the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model. It runs on Unix/X11.
Simio LLC
Simio is simulation software with the power to rapidly build accurate 3d animated models which can be used to explore changes and alternatives in dynamic systems.
Simul8 Corporation
Offers software for ERP implementation, predictive dialing, staff scheduling and forecasting, call tracking, customer relationship management, and telemanagement processes.
Simulation and Environmental Modeling Links
Provides interesting links to modeling and simulation sites and environmental decision support systems.
Simulation of Unsteady Processes using Nonlinear Indicial Theory
Description of Nielsen Engineering and Research's indicial prediction system technology. Includes generalized impulse response identification for unsteady aerodynamics, aeroservoelasticity, earthquake engineering, electromagnetics and nonlinear sea-keeping.
Simulation Software ITI-SIM
The software for modeling, analysing and optimization of dynamically stressed, complex nonlinear systems.ITI GmbH Dresden,Germany.Simulations in hydraulics, pneumatics, mechatronics, drive system, rail vehicles, shipbuilding, control systems.
Simulation Software Survey
The survey is a representation of available simulation packages. Includes a lot of simulation packages, their characteristics and vendor contacts. A good source of information in the field of simulation software.
Simuledge Simulation Ireland
The areas of supply chain modelling, logistics, material flow, and business process re-engineering have all been successfully simulated leading to several hundred percent return on investment. Using computer simulation your process can be optimized at the design stage eliminating months of trial and error on the live system.
General purpose pedestrian simulation software for urban planning, evacuation and traffic management.
Soar Technology, Inc.
Cognitively inspired software that encodes knowledge into systems to automate complex tasks, simplify human-system interaction, or simulate human-like behavior for military and civilian applications.
Tactical Technologies Inc.
Developer of tactical engagement simulation software for the international electronic warfare market, enabling the user to analyze, evaluate, understand and optimize the countermeasure effectiveness.
TATA Interactive Systems
Business simulations designed to build business acumen and accelerate leadership development.
FLexible Analysis and Mission Effectiveness System (FLAMES) is a framework for behavioral simulations computer programs that simulate the physical and cognitive behavior of complex entities that act and interact in time and space.
U.S. Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation
Information on government development programs and technological innovations in modeling and simulation.
UFA Inc.
Provider of air traffic control simulation and voice recognition products for controller training, airport planning and research.
A Windows-based program by Adept Scientific Ltd. for modelling and simulation of complex dynamic systems. Applications include automotive brake systems, precision motion control machinery, aerospace and dynamic process control simulations.
The Visu Project
A lightweight simulation data visualization tool distributed under the GNU GPL (free).
Visual Solutions Inc.
Developer of VisSim, a graphical language for easy creation of dynamic system simulations. Advanced code generation allows efficient targeting of Texas Instruments based embedded systems.
Visual8 Simulation Solutions
Offers simulation consulting and training, and software that helps clients streamline their production processes or their supply chains.
Software for simulating the behaviour of vehicles, robotics and heavy equipment in real-time synthetic environments for operator training and test.
Western Services Corp
Developer of simulation technology software that will assist in the design, commissioning and operation of power generating and processing plant.
Wolfram MathCore AB
Provide consultancy services and the SystemModeler physical modeling and simulation tool.
Zen Technologies Ltd
Design, develop and manufacture a range of military training simulators.
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Last update:
January 5, 2017 at 21:05:09 UTC