This category includes figures involved in the theory and practice of urban and regional planning. Some are academics or writers, while others have planned or designed regions, cities, towns, neighborhoods, or individual sites.
Subcategories 29
Related categories 3
Sites 18
Apte, Prakash M.
Papers on housing, architecture, planning, development, management, and education by the Indian architect and planner.
Benenson, Itzhak
University professor specializing in urban dynamics and ecological modeling. Includes information on research, publications, and classes.
Berman, Marshall
Cultural theorist examines the social roles and intentions of artists in modern urban life. He advocates "Marxist humanism" and proposes that the urban realities of the marketplace are neither fixed nor immutable. (Book: All That is Solid Melts into Air)
Bertaud, Alain - The Study of Urban Spatial Structures
Papers and reports focused on urban spatial development.
Chapin, Jr., F. Stuart
Pioneer in the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina. Spent nearly four decades establishing and improving the department's urban studies curriculum. Distinguished Service Award from the American Institute of Planners, as well as the Historic Planning Pioneer Award. (Books: Urban Land Use Planning).
Doxiadis, Constantinos (1913-1975)
Author and founder of Doxiadis Associates, a private firm of consulting engineers, with a small group of architects and planners. (Books: Ekistics - An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements).
Haussmann, Baron (1809-1891)
French planner famous for the redevelopment of Paris under Napoleon III.
Hise, Greg
Associate Professor of urban history, his research focuses generally on the American West and specifically on Los Angeles. (Book: Magnetic Los Angeles: Planning the Twentieth Century Metropolis)
Huxtable, Ada Louise
Architecture critic for the Wall Street Journal, she advocates for preservation and cities as places of contrast. (Book: The Unreal America)
Kent, Fred
Founder and president of the Project for Public Spaces. Biography, publications, and interviews.
Kotkin, Joel
The author of "The New Geography" offers commentary, articles, consulting, his schedule, and a biography.
Kunstler, James Howard
Kunstler believes a lot of people share his feelings about the tragic landscape of highway strips, parking lots, housing tracts, mega-malls, junked cities, and ravaged countryside that makes up the everyday environment where most Americans live and work. (Books: The Geography of Nowhere, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency).
Newman, Oscar
Influential author of Defensible Space proposes physically restructuring communities to reduce crime and improve stability. Biography, book excerpts, and nonprofit institute profile.
Penn, William (1644-1718)
Penn's holy experiment and plan was idealistic to the point of utopianism. He wanted to establish a society that was godly, virtuous and exemplary for all of humanity.
Sitte, Camillo (1843-1903)
The publication of City Planning According to Artistic Principles began a new era in Germanic city planning. Sitte strongly criticized the current emphasis on broad, straight boulevards, and public squares arranged primarily for the convenience of traffic.
Smithson, Peter and Allison
Although they are also both practicing architects, the Smithsons gained most of their recognition through their involvement with Team 10 and its overthrow of old CIAM philosophies.
Valsson, Trausti
Icelandic professor presents his curriculum vitae and details about two books, "Planning in Iceland" and "City and Nature."
Zukin, Sharon
Sociologist explores the inter-relations of economic, social, and political power that shape urban form. (Books: Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disneyworld, The Cultures of Cities)
Last update:
September 9, 2016 at 8:45:12 UTC