Information about people conducting psychological research or practice. Such people are usually in academic, research or institutional settings, and are published authors.
Subcategories 10
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Sites 8
Adam M.B. Day
Research concentrates on human/nature relationships and how these relationships manifest during times of health, disability and rehabilitation.
Becoming Conscious of the Unconscious
Dr C. Gary Pettigrew, Ph.D. provides a brief overview of recent studies of unconscious processes, research links, and a link to a downloadable computer program that measures unconscious associations, the Flexible Implicit Association Test.
Eva Van den Bussche
PhD student at the University of Leuven, Belgium. Includes research, publications, presentations and downloads.
Gianina Ana Masari
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Iasi, Romania. Research interests include educational underachievement.
John Coleman
Senior research fellow in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Oxford. Research interests include young people and new technologies, the parenting of adolescents, and emotional health and well-being. He provides various links to youth and psychology organizations and institutions.
The Paul Rosenfels Collection
The first American social scientist to defend homosexuality in print as a valid lifestyle. Includes a collection of his works.
Rubén Ledesma
Statistical software and publications by Dr. Ledesma (Psychologist, Professor of Research Methods, University of Mar del Plata, Argentina).
Stephen Aichele
Cognitive science of attention and emotion regulation, quantitative methods and data visualization.
Other languages 3
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Last update:
March 21, 2013 at 13:40:15 UTC