Subcategories 3
Related categories 8
Sites 46
Actor-Process-Event Scheme (APES)
Visualisation of process event data and transformation to quantitative analysis. Download, documentation and references. (Free software)
[Win / Mac / Linux] Michael Kipp's tool to annotate video files [Free Software].
[Win] Presentation, download demo, manual and references.
[Mac / Win] ParaConc and MonoConc are software for corpus-based studies of concordances among different languages.
[Win] Software developed by Thomas Muhr for grounded theory, anthropology and sociological studies.
Provides tests and comparisons of digital recorders. Promotes transcription software [Win/ Linux] f4 and [Mac] f5.
[Win] Presentation of the software, available questionnaire to collect data.
[Dos, run also under OS/2 Win] Multivariate statistical program and constrained cluster analysis by Hans Bardeleben.
[Win] Text analysis software. Presentation, screenshots and downloads.
[www] Mixed methods suite. Presentation, user guide, case studies and publications.
The Ethnograph
[Win] Software processing qualitative data by textsegments coded by the user.
Multilingual database containing ontological and semantic relations : Objectives, Samples and License. Presentation, Screenshots and manuals of tools to exploit and represent this database (Polaris and Periscope). Free access for Spanish.
[Linux] NLP set of tools including tokenizing, sentence splitting, morphological analysis and date recognition. Download, documentation and bibliography (GPL - Free Software).
[www] Morphological, lexical, syntactical and thematical information retrieval in Web sites of newspapers.
The Hume machine
[Mac] The sociological Candide software use Clustered Graphs (also called Cogntive Maps or Co-Word Mapping) to represent textual knowledge (by Geneviève Teil et Bruno Latour).
Idea Rover
This software supports the organisation of source documents. Prestentation, screenshots and download.
[Win] Solutions for social scientists. Home of Qualrus and Methodologist's Toolchest.
Social network analysis software by Valdis Krebs.
[Win] Integrated corpus processor by Max Silberztein. Presentation, team, applications (mainly studies in linguistics), publications (PDFs in English and French) and downloads.
[Dos, run also under Win] Language and content analysis freeware by Harald Klein.
KWiC Finder and kfNgram
[Win] Key Word in Context Web Concordance web search tool by William Fletcher. Presentation, screen shots, download and forum.
[Win] Processing of user-coded text segments (previously WinMax). Presentation, download trial version, papers and conferences.
Exploratory network data analysis and visualization : web-based and downloadable demo, forum.
NetVis Module
An open source web-based tool for researchers to simulate, analyze, and visualize social networks using data from online surveys, imported CSV files, and electronic discussion groups.
PCAD 2000
[Win] Software devoted to psychiatric diagnosis.
QDA Miner
[Win] User-coded segments tool by Normand Péladeau featuring coding sequence, co-occurrences, clustering, multidimensional proximity plots, correspondence analysis, heatmaps. Presentation, screenshot, download and prices.
QSR International: NVivo and XSight
Provides qualitative research software designed to help users organize and analyze non-numerical or unstructured data such as audio, video, photos and documents to compile, compare and make sense of their information quickly and easily.
E-mail discussion group about CAQDAS Project (1998-today).
[Win] QDA program for text, pictures, audio and video documents. Brochure, demo and screenshots.
[www] Open source data cleaning and classification system designed for coding open-ended responses from questionnaires.
Research Ware
[Mac / Win] Presentation of HyperResearch, downloadable demo versions and events.
[Win] Program to create and sort lists of words, phrases and sentences. Presantation, screenshot, download and application on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
[BSD / Win] Ronggui Huang & Zhang Gehao build a CAQDAS upon the R statistical package [Free Software].
[Win] Presentation of content analysis tools : Tropes, Zoom, Index. Software. Guidelines, manual, news, customers, and free download.
Social Science Automation
[Win] Michael Young and Margaret Hermann propose their Profiler tools. Articles on leaders profiling.
Stories Matter
This tool enables to annotate and analyze oral history (video and audio) archives [Free Software].
Swedish Morphological Society
[Win] Presentation of Fritz Zwicky's morphological analysis as a general method for non-quantified modeling and of a Computer Aided Scenario and Problem Evaluation Routine called Casper.
[Win] Co-Word Mapping, Cluster Analysis and FAC (factorial analysis of correspondence) software and glossary on Concurrence and Graph Methods by Italian Franco Lancia and Marco Silvestri.
TAMS Analyzer
[Unix / Linux / Mac OS X] TAMS Analyzer is an opensource qualitative analysis tool. It supports complex hierarchical codes, multimedia support, and project synchronization.
Text analysis computing tools
[Dos] TACT is a text-analysis and retrieval system.
[Win] English, German and Spanish program with standardised category systems (such as Colin Martindale's), negation detection and interactive coding (following of Intext).
Open source transcription and analysis software for audio and video data. Includes presentation, downloads and bulletin boards. Provides a guided tour, screencasts, several articles on the usage of the program and links to external documentation sources.
The Transformer
Software tool for scientists who work with transcribed linguistic data. It addresses conversation analysts, phoneticians, anthropologists and other social scientists who want to analyze digital audio or video data and language.
[Unix / Win / Mac OS X] Corpus Processor conforming to Unicode and developed in Java by Sébastien Paumier. Parsing, pattern matching and disambiguation [GPL - Free Software].
Weft QDA
[Win / Linux] A free, open-source tool for qualitative analysis of text documents.
WordSmith Tools
[Win] Mike Scott's tools (includes MicroConcord) are based on lexical analysis. Publications, presentation, screen shots, download, manuals and invitation to association for language awareness (ALA).
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Last update:
September 26, 2015 at 14:05:07 UTC