Subcategories 21
Related categories 6
Sites 91
AcaStat Software
Easy to use statistical software. For Windows and Mac.
Open source statistical software written in Java. It contains data management methods and data mining techniques and offers facilities to create dynamical reports or to store documents. In Italian and English.
AM Statistical Software
Package to analyze data from complex samples, especially large-scale assessments. Available for free from the American Institutes for Research. Download, support (software, database), manual, registration.
aML Multilevel Multiprocess Modeling
Statistical software for multilevel, multiprocess models. Developed by Lillard and Panis, marketed by EconWare.
Analytic Technologies
Offers UCINET, a software package for social network analysis and cultural domain analysis.
Analytical Software
Makes and sells Statistix statistical analysis program, designed to be easy to use for researchers who are not statisticians.
Statistics library for C. Has functions on the same level as those of typical statistics packages (OLS, Probit, singular value decomposition, &c.;) but doesn't tie users to an ad hoc language or environment.
BioStat by LemnaTec
The program supplies test protocols for a growing number of standardised bio-tests such as growth inhibition. Free trial download.
Camo ASA: The Unscrambler
Software for multivariate data analysis (MVA) and design of experiments (DoE).
Provides details of the multivariate data analysis software products and the analytical modeling, prediction and optimization solutions available.
Civilized Software
Makers of MLAB Mathematical and Statistical Modeling System for research, exploration, and scientific data analysis, including ODE models.
CLEAVE: C Language Exploratory Analysis of Variance
Free, open-source ANOVA software for large data sets which handles several multiway design types and includes robustness and post-hoc test enhancements.
The Clusutils Package
Two programs to help researchers study data clustering algorithms: clusgen generates artificial data sets and cluscomp compares partitions of a data set.
A computer program for the statistical analysis of data from biological dilution assays or potency assays in agreement with the European Pharmacopoeia.
Cytel Statistical Software
Makers of many computational statistics software packages.
Data Description, Inc.
Develops, sells, supports statistics and statistics training software for Macintosh, Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP.
Windows-based program for exploratory data analysis, offering important methods of statistical analysis and data visualization: regression, statistical test, cluster analysis, principal components, KNN classification, MLR, PCR, neural networks. Evaluation copy free; on-line purchase of full version.
Software for automatic, multivariate statistical modeling.
Discerning Systems Inc.
Statistical software for ground-water and environmental detection, compliance, assessment and remediation monitoring.
Generates classification and regression decision trees that model data and can be used to predict future values. Uses V-fold cross validation and pruning to make optimal size trees, and surrogate splitters for missing values.
FMS: Total Access Statistics
Offers a wide range of statistical calculations for Microsoft Access with all results in tables. Runs as an Access add-in and includes a programmatic library.
Free Statistics Software
Free online software applications (calculators) featuring: mathematical equation plotting, descriptive statistics, multiple regression, time series analysis, and hypothesis testing.
Generalized Linear Latent And Mixed Model (GLLAMM)
The gllamm software estimates generalized linear latent and mixed models by maximum likelihood using adaptive quadrature. Models include multilevel, factor, latent class and structural equation models.
Golden Helix, Inc
Offers data analysis software and predictive analytics used for finding genetic causes of disease, compound screening for drug discovery, and developing predictive and segmentation models for commercial companies.
GraphPad QuickCalcs
Dozens of free online calculators, including those for radioactivity calculations, detecting outliers, t tests, ANOVA post tests, chi-square, Fishers test, and confidence interval of a proportion.
GraphPad Software
Combines basic statistics with nonlinear regression (curve fitting) and publication-quality graphics.
HACCP Now Software
Easy to use, reduces time and cost to implement HACCP. Includes automated wireless temperature monitoring and management tools for food businesses.
Hamilton Technical Services
Software for frequency stability analysis. Stable32, Allan variance.
Provides real-time quality control solutions for the shop floor, enterprise, and supply chain. Company information, details of products and services, and case studies.
Integrated Knowledge Systems
IKS provides consulting and custom statistical software for computer adaptive testing, psychometrics, Rasch measurement, statistical research, employment testing and consumer surveys.
JMP Statistical Discovery Software
Tool for expert data analysis, design of experiments, and Six Sigma implementation. JMP is a business unit of SAS Institute, Inc. For Windows and Macintosh.
Kovach Computing Services
Statistical software, including MVSP, Oriana, XLSTAT, Simstat and Data Desk.
Free interactive statistical program for DOS, Linux/Unix, Macintosh, Windows. Strengths: regression, ANOVA, time series analysis, macro language similar to S, R.
Macnaughton ANOVA SS
Links to material and computer programs by Donald Macnaughton about computing sums of squares in unbalanced analysis of variance.
Clearinghouse for information about Mac software for statistical analysis, including regression, ANOVA and structural equation modeling, as well as general math software. Covers Mac OS 7 through OS X.
Math Stat Software
Programs offered include data acquisition, visualization, analysis, decision analysis and neural networks, econometrics, time series, forecasting, graphing, and curve fitting. Page lists products and descriptions.
Statistical program for biomedical research. Includes free trial.
Meta Analysis Statistical Software
A statistical analysis package for research synthesis. Free trial download.
A statistical software package for meta-analysis calculations.
Experimental design and multicriteria optimization software, based on fuzzy logic and the simplex method for sequential design of experiments. Windows-based, download trial version.
MVP Programs
Michael V. Petrovich offers easy-to-use statistical software including MVPstats (general statistics), PERFORM (process performance analysis), and MVPspc (SPC shareware).
Matrix algebra interpreter and numerical optimizer for structural equation modeling and other types of statistical modeling of data.
Data analysis, statistical analysis, and statistical graphics analysis package.
Software system for data publishing and online statistical analysis. Converts data into the user's desired format.
OpenEpi is a project to create open source software for epidemiologic statistics in JavaScript and HTML, and can be run from the web site or downloaded and run locally.
Partek Inc. - Pattern Recognition Software
Statistical and visual data analysis software. Widely used in life sciences and engineering for gene expression (microarray) data analysis, high throughput screening, and drug design including SAR and ADME prediction.
Portable TROLL
Mature integrated software system for econometric modeling, statistical analysis. For Linux, Unix; Windows. [Intex Solutions, Inc.]
Power and Precision
Software for statistical power analysis and to calculate sample size and effect size for scientific research studies.
Provalis Research
Makes and sells Simstat, which does uni-, bi-, multi-variate statistics, with graphics, scripting language; content analysis and text mining module, multivariate analysis, orientation statistics, education programs.
Quality Window
Statistical based software program designed specifically for use on the factory floor to minimize process and product variation as well as helping analyze and understand failures in processes.
Charting and statistical add-In for Microsoft Excel.
Recurrence Plots
Information on recurrence plots, cross recurrence plots, and their quantification; introduction, lists of books, readings, workshops, related software.
Resampling Stats
Information about the resampling method used with increasing frequency in statistics - including comprehensive directories for statistics courses and software.
Open-source software that aims to be an easy to use, transparent frontend to the R-language, and ultimately a free alternative to commercial statistical software.
The Rundom Site by Piotr Jadwiszczak
Shareware for randomization and bootstrap testing. Has several predefined tests, flexible scripting language to write customized tests and modify predefined ones, user-friendly interface with wizard module, script tutorial, graphical options.
SalStat Statistics Package
For analyzing scientific data: performs a range of tests, from descriptive statistics to analysis of variance tests and their nonparametric equivalents. Focus: ease of use. Linux, Windows. [Open Source, GPL]
Science Plus Group
Was ProGAMMA bv. Develops and sells statistics software. Product categories: software for hierarchical modeling (e.g., HLM 5), agreement (e.g., AGREE 7.0), IRT and Rasch modeling, psychometrics, structural equation modeling, marketing, data mining.
Scientific Computing Associates
WorkBench Software for Time Series Analysis and General Statistical Analysis.
Scientific Software International
Statistical software for the social sciences. LISREL for structural equation modeling, HLM for hierarchical data analysis, and BILOG, BILOG-MG, MULTILOG, PARSCALE, and TESTFACT for IRT-based test analysis.
Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis
A collection of online statistical distributions and procedures. Includes sample size calculation, Fisher exact test, t-test, bonferroni adjustment, pairwise tests, ordinal tests, hypergeometric, binomial, poisson and weibull distributions.
Softpedia: Agna
Platform-independent freeware for social network analysis, sociometry and sequential analysis.
SourceForge: RNGSharp
Software for generating generic objects with a specific probability or random numbers from a wide variety of distributions. Library provides mix distributions system and a way to set output accuracy.
SPC Software
Packages automating the data collection, charting and analytical functions of statistical process control.
Stat-Ease, Inc.
Statistical software, training, and consulting on design of experiments for scientists and engineers.
Integrated statistical package for data analysis, data management and graphics.
Statistical software in a range of products from different vendors. Training and support available for most of these. Consulting focus is Design of Experiments, Quality Control Statistics. Online ordering, in German/English.
Statgraphics XVI
Allows your analytical power to be integrated enterprise-wide and world-wide, via Internet: training, products, DOE, Six Sigma application.
Statistics Online Computational Resources
The SOCR Resource includes a number of probability and statistics applets, user interfaces and demonstrations, which are fully accessible over the Internet.
Statistics Toolbox for MATLAB
Provides functions and interactive tools for analyzing historical data, modeling data, simulating systems, developing statistical algorithms, and learning and teaching statistics.
Statistics Tutorials
This site contains statistics tutorials including worked examples using SAS statistics software, SPSS, WINKS statistics analysis software and Microsoft Excel data analysis tool.
Free Java program, Statistics101, executes the Resampling Statistics language that was developed by Julian Simon and Peter Bruce. Purpose: Learn, explore and apply Monte Carlo, resampling, and bootstrap techniques.
Statit Software
Quality improvement software, quality control software and data analysis software for the enterprise. Also, solutions for desktop users.
Comprehensive, multi-functional statistical software with online statistical help/guide.
Developers of Statistica, a comprehensive suite of data mining and statistical analysis software.
Statistical analysis software that provides a complete analysis of data and produces a one-page statistical analysis report on the screen.
Offers software for data transfer between popular software packages. Includes free demo copy.
Software for statistical analysis.
StatView Software
Product information and technical support for the statistical analysis and viewing software.
Stegmann Systemberatung
Analysis of parallel-line bioassays according to international standards.
StenStat: MedRoc
Free-standing Windows program for ROC (signal detection) analysis of bio-medical research data. Includes a data editor to create, import, and edit research data.
Statistics package to calculate p-values and confidence intervals via summary statistics. Includes some common statistical tests and distributions.
Program to analyze any parameter in a sample size calculation. Has most common tests, point estimates, confidence intervals.
WINKS statistics and data analysis software.
Windows software for Multivariate Data Analysis (MVDA), Modeling and Design of Experiments (DOE). The software, MODDE and the SIMCA-series are state-of-the-art.
Utilities for Statistical Analyses
Programs written in Pascal for Windows and SPSS-macros including random eigenvalues, collapsing correlation matrices and standard deviations from several independent samples, and statistical tests.
Online software for calculating basic statistics from Vassar College.
ViSta -- The Visual Statistics System
Analysis tool developed by Dr. Forrest Young at UNC-Chapel Hill. Focus: visual analysis of data in a Clementine/Intelligent Miner workflow GUI. Includes Multivariate and Univariate Analyses. [Open Source]
Statistical and data analysis software for business, science, marketing and education. It includes all descriptive methods needed to analyze data including parametric and nonparametric.
Primarily econometrical Excel add-ins and other programs to conduct various procedures (Hodrick Prescott, Bandpass, Baxter King, ADF, ARIMA, Correlogram).
Xuru's Website: Statistical Tools
A collection of online calculators for descriptive statistics, normality test and probability distribution functions.
30 data manipulation and analysis utilities: ANOVA, regression, rank order, contingency table, time series, descriptive statistics. Written in C for DOS, Unix. Command line interface usable in shell scripts. Free.
Other languages 3
Last update:
January 5, 2017 at 16:05:03 UTC