Geochemistry is the study of chemical elements and their isotopes, and their distribution and abundance within minerals, ores, rocks, waters, and the atmosphere. Geochemistry also includes the dynamic aspects of reaction and circulation of the elements in nature. While geochemistry is most often used in reference to the Earth, it also applies to the study of the chemical elements and their isotopes on the moon and other planets.
Subcategories 18
Related categories 2
Sites 8
Archives of ISOGEOCHEM
Searchable archives of the e-mail group for stable isotope geochemistry.
Fluid Inclusions
Primarily a directory to fluid inclusion-related resources. Links are provided for old and upcoming meetings and short courses, a few organizations, and some archived forums on research issues.
Wikipedia article on the branch of science involving the study of the chemical composition of the Earth and other planets, and the chemical processes and reactions that govern the composition of rocks and soils. - Geology and Geochemistry
Educational site for those interested in learning about surface exploration techniques used for oil and gas. Includes images, analogs, bibliographies, and services.
IMWA: Geochemistry
Online textbook by William M. White.
Information about the e-mail discussion list for stable isotope geochemistry. Includes many isotope-related links including available positions, research laboratories, short course and workshop listings, and a searchable message archive.
Martian Geochemistry
Summarizes the geochemical results obtained by NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission. Includes plots of geochemical trends, and comparisons with earlier Viking mission data as well as with Earth geochemistry.
Stable Isotopes and Mineral Resource Investigations
An information hand-out from the US Geological Survey, introducing the topic of stable isotopes and providing some examples of their use in determining the origins of mineral deposits in the United States.
Other languages 2
Last update:
September 8, 2016 at 5:24:10 UTC