Connecticut, the Nutmeg State, is located in southwestern New England. Since becoming the fifth state to ratify the Constitution in 1788, it has changed from forest and farmland to a mostly urban and suburban state, with an economy based on manufacturing and services.
Connecticut is known for its affluence and is home to many private preparatory schools. The state hosts several prominent educational and military institutions, including Yale University, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and the U.S. Navy shipbuilding complex at Groton.
The largest city is Bridgeport and the largest metropolitan area is centered around the capital of Hartford.
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Sites 3
Connecticut Facts and City Index
Facts about the state, including state symbols, with additional information on each city and town.
Connecticut State Register and Manual
Reference source covering state history, government, holidays and other information.
Facts, Statistics and Holidays
A variety of information, including information on state seal, flag, bird, hero, grand list of taxable property, educational and agricultural statistics, occupational statistics, aviation and ports from the Secrety of State Register and Manual.
Other languages 5
![[Connecticut Mozilla]](../../../../img/moz/connmoz.gif)
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