This category contains sites relevant to educational technology in higher (post-secondary) education. This is the place to find resources and information on how to use new technologies in the classroom, how to put your course on the world wide web, and how to use electronic communication to enhance communication with and between students.
Note that sites which are not specific to higher education should usually be submitted to the generic Instructional Technology category.
Subcategories 5
Related categories 1
Sites 10
The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
Campus Technology
Monthly publication focusing on the use of technology across all areas of higher education.
Interactive teaching tool from Better Education, Inc. to facilitate active learning. Provides networked science classroom, teacher's computer and students' calculators.
Educational Technology
Information for educators, researchers, graduates, students and self-learners
EDUCAUSE Online Guide to Evaluating Information Technology on Campus
What to ask about information technology when choosing a college or university.
Engines for Education
A hyper-book written by Roger Schank and Chip Cleary, what's wrong with the education system, how to reform it, and especially, about the role of educational technology in that reform.
Online Plagiarism Checker is a free online tool for detecting plagiarism.
Students Perceptions of Distance Learning, Online Learning and the Traditional Classroom
Results of a study done at a medium sized state university which finds that distance learning and on-line learning technologies are perceived by students as having some benefits although they are not necessarily knowledge-related. related.
TESOL Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section
TESOL's special interest instructional technology group
Web by Design
An educational resource including online tutorials; Web, instructional design, and nursing resources; and annotated links
![[Computer Mozilla]](../../../../img/moz/puter2.gif)
Last update:
September 17, 2016 at 13:40:50 UTC