Directories of colleges and universities.
Subcategories 6
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Sites 57
Alphabetical listing of community, graduate, management, law, dental and medical schools, colleges and universities around the globe.
American College Review
Directory of over 7000 U.S. public and private college and universities. Data provided includes programs, majors, tuition, admission, enrollments and details about each school.
College and career school search directory with listings of universities, vocational and technical career schools.
Best Colleges for African Americans
Directory of UNCF and HBCU Colleges. Includes ranking methodology and categorizes schools by major.
Big Future - CollegeBoard
Database of over 3,800 colleges and universities. Apply online to college, learn about financial aid.
Index to institutions of higher education throughout the world.
Campus Program
Reviews of college, university and employment resources. Categorized list of 50,000 college programs covering 200 subjects in US and Canadian universities.
A directory of more than 7,000 U.S. colleges. provides a directory of more than 1,000 college and university campus maps.
Directory and tools for locating over 3,000 colleges and university profiles. Also features scholarship and admission information.
College and University Guide
A searchable index of links to North American colleges and universities.
College and University Research and Reference Page
Includes research and reference page.
College Connexion
College and university resources on the internet.
College Guide Search -
California Postsecondary Education Commission's college database of in-state and out-of-state institutions. Provides enhanced search options.
College Inspector
Lists 5,700 U.S. universities and community colleges.
College Profiles -
Alphabetical directory of U.S. colleges with data including acceptance rates, average SAT and ACT scores, tuition costs and enrollment numbers.
College Toolkit
College, scholarship and career information resource.
Lists colleges by state, degree types, subjects, articles and resource tools.
Colleges Near Me
Directory helps locate colleges in your local area. See schools near a given city.
Colleges of Distinction
Profiling teaching-centered colleges and universities throughout the United States that excel at engaging students, fostering vibrant communities, and producing successful graduates.
Select criteria for colleges to help narrow your choices and search for scholarships.
Collegiate Guide
Links to colleges and universities in US. Also covers scholarships, college loans, admissions testing, test preparation, college sports, etc.
Community College Finder - AACC
American Association of Community Colleges directory categorized by state, city and enrollment.
Community College Review
Provides detailed profiles of community colleges across the USA. Compare colleges by state and learn more about how community colleges work.
Lists over 7,000 colleges and universities, including school data, financial aid resources, videos and news.
CU - Colleges and Universities
Directory of physical and online schools, community colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.
Lists over 100,000 degree programs from U.S. colleges and universities.
Provides admission requirements, degrees and majors, test scores, student diversity, athletics and tuition expenses for thousands of U.S colleges and trade schools.
Educaedu Australia
Search engine directory for Tafe, University and other higher education courses in Australia. Search for what and where to study in Australia.
Education PETAP
Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs searchable directory listing accredited online and campus based schools, degree and certificate programs..
Occupations guide and government-collected data on 10,263 US colleges, universities, and technical training schools.
Maritime and logistics training, career schools and resources categorized into state and country levels.
Searchable directory of colleges and trade schools in the United States. Features school info including offered programs, tuition rates, athletics and admissions.
Global resource for information on recognition of academic and professional credentials worldwide, including recognition of diplomas, diploma supplements, credit transfer systems, accreditation, and related topics.
Directory of Masters and Bachelors degree courses in Europe.
Find Universities
Lists more than 7000 institutions worldwide, admission guides and scholarship articles.
US directory of doctoral, master's and professional degree programs.
A directory resource devoted to U.S. junior and community colleges. Includes student life, career, athletic and academic information.
Offers information on over 6,000 colleges, universities and trade schools. Information provided includes academics, degrees, admissions, financial aid, tuition, and athletics.
Searchable directory of over 7,200 colleges, universities and career schools. Also provides details about each major and related careers.
Directory of over 4,000 community and 4-year colleges, categorized location and career type. Includes a search, job insights and articles.
Directory of colleges worldwide, categorized by region, country and state.
A searchable database with links to colleges, scholarships, and financial aid.
Residential Colleges Worldwide
Oxford/Cambridge-style residential colleges at universities around the world.
A higher education resource including alumni/student reviews, general school information, education related news, and career related articles.
Directories of colleges, business schools, engineering schools, law schools and medical schools in the United States.
Directory for researching sociology degrees and social work programs, and schools.
State University
A directory of U.S. state universities. Includes information about admissions, athletic programs, financial aid and student loans.
College directory includes reviews, profiles and ratings.
Technical and Vocational School Guide
Directory of academic colleges and trade and technical-vocational schools in United States and Canada.
Trades And Careers
Listing of U.S. colleges and schools, including programs offered.
U.S. News University Directory
Lists schools offering online and campus degrees, categorized by subject.
U101 College Search
Lists over 4,000 universities and community colleges in the United States.
College search and directory featuring school reviews, student reviews and school ratings.
Universities around the World
Index of universities and colleges around the world
University Directory Worldwide
Search for addresses, contacts, data and information of more than 30,000 universities and colleges in over 250 countries.
Webmotectrics Ranking of World Universities
A directory of world universities ranked according their presence on the Web.
Other languages 1
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Last update:
December 21, 2016 at 23:45:11 UTC