Websites about the life and work of notable individuals from all walks of life.
Categories for specific people are listed in alphabetical order, under the first letter of the person's surname or primary name.
Subcategories 1
Related categories 6
Sites 22
100 Great Black Britons
Biographies of 100 well-known or important African and Afro-Caribbean people in the UK.
The 2009 TIME 100
Profiles the 100 most influential people of the 20th century (as selected by TIME Magazine) in five fields of endeavor.
About Famous People
A collection of the biographies of various historical personages.
Australian Dictionary of Biography
Biographies of persons who were significant in Australian history. Various ways to browse or search the database.
Features very brief biographical notes.
Vital statistics of celebrities including information such as birth name, nationality, height, shoe size and star sign.
Biographical Dictionary
More than 25,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world.
Biography Archive
A growing collection biographical articles.
Biography Center
Multi-lingual biographical directory.
Biographies of authors and other famous people that provide a flavour of the personality as well as relating the key events in the subjects' lives.
Provides articles about a variety of people of note. Also has a section showing people born that day.
Canadian Heroes in Fact and Fiction 1998
Short illustrated profiled of personalities, both historical and fictional, who have inspired and enriched the Canadian nation. Archive.
Canadian Heroes in Fact and Fiction 2001
Short illustrated profiled of personalities, both historical and fictional, who have inspired and enriched the Canadian nation. Archive.
Current Heads of State & Dictators
Current world political leaders, rulers, women/female presidents and dictators with their picture and biography profiles.
The Encyclopedia of New Zealand: Biographies
Over 3,000 biographies of significant New Zealanders. It does not include people who are alive.
Facts of Lives from Biography Resource Center
Provides biographical information, search tips, and current biography news.
Famous Biography
Biography, birthday, birthplace, birthname and height of famous people.
Great Life Stories - The life stories of generations
This community is a safe repository of personal histories and memoirs. Stories can be captured in text, audio, or video for private use, shared with the world, or published in print for current and future generations.
Hello magazine: Profiles
Profiles and biographies on royals, Hollywood actors and actresses, small screen stars, the rich and famous, celebrities, musicians, models and designers.
Heroes of History
Selection of noteworthy persons, their accomplishments and failures.
International Biographical Centre
List of dictionaries in the fields of music, literature and poetry. General and specific biographical titles of today's leading personalities.
Tells the stories of ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary things.
Other languages 9
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August 1, 2016 at 18:28:59 UTC