Sites about recreational activities around locks, from collecting to picking, also known as "Locksport".
Related categories 2
Sites 13
First Internet Lock Museum
Resource for those interested in the collection of locks. Includes illustrations with values.
Fraternal Order of Locksport (FOOLS)
Lock picking club. Includes meeting schedule, code of conduct and contact form. Bloomington, Indiana.
Guide to Lock Picking
Formerly known as the "MIT Guide to Lock Picking". Describes how pin tumbler locks work and basic picking techniques. HTML, PDF and Postscript versions.
How Stuff Works: Lock Picking
Illustrated article on picking. Includes lock types, re-keying and videos.
Lock Picking 101
Forum providing information on locks and picking techniques. Includes sections on hardware and locksport.
Locksmith Blog
The day in the life of a UK locksmith. Includes tips, tricks and interesting jobs.
Designed as a reference for both the security and compromise of locks and safes. Beginners and advanced sections.
Longhorn Lockpicking Club
Student organization at the University of Texas, Austin. Includes news and meeting schedules.
Notes on Picking Pin Tumbler Locks
Educational article by Matt Blaze. Includes illustrations and exercises.
The Open Organization of Lockpickers (TOOOL)
Organizes educational meetings about locks and picking. Includes membership information, chapters and equipment.
Rogers, Saphy
Blog following the life of a self-employed locksmith in the Pennines, UK. Includes stories, humor and security news.
Toool - Netherlands
The Dutch chapters of the Open Organisation of Lockpickers. Includes details of the LockCon conference and scheduled gatherings.
Wikipedia - Lock Picking
Online encyclopedia article about picking. Includes tools and legal status in different states and countries.
Last update:
December 7, 2016 at 22:24:03 UTC