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Sites 20
The 100% unofficial blog of the Indian Prime Minister
The fake blog of the Indian Prime Minister, targeting the "new economy", business and politics.
Parody of British tabloids and news magazines. Published weekly.
British newspaper spoof, with news, articles and reviews. Updated every two months.
The Brampton Bugle
Small town British newspaper parody.
The Drudge Retort
Parody of Matt Drudge's site that puts the yellow back in journalism.
The Framley Examiner
Framley's traditional favourite since 1978.
The Greater Moncton Cavalier
Satirical Canadian online newspaper.
The Grudge Report
Parody of "The Drudge Report".
Hardly Talked
Parody of the BBC current affairs show, Hard Talk.
Jim Day 2000
Jim Day 2000 itinerary including scheduled entertainment and festivities as well as how to contribute to the celebration.
Justin's Whirled Headlines
A sarcastic assault on the news of the world. Actual headlines straight off the Internet are "altered" to become more entertaining caricatures of themselves.
The Moon
A look at the world's news through the eyes of a surrealist. "The truth is not an issue compared to humour".
The New News
Left-leaning satire news for all the unwashed masses.
Parody news stories covering every conceivable topic. Like a newspaper ... only not quite. Very funny.
The Slackville Papers
A repository for rumors, revelations all done in tasteful colours.
The Sleaze
Incredible lies today - still bollocks tomorrow.
The Snooze
Contains bits from the Snooze sitdown comedy newsletter, a forum for people to write in about a variety of issues.
News spoof site featuring US and UK news, horoscopes, bogus celebrity weblogs, and picture caption contests.
The Wymsey Chronicle
A weekly newspaper that deals with the essence of English rural life.
The Yellow Press
America's Most Un-respected News Source. News, Business, Sports, Horoscopes, and Free Classified Ads. Reader participation encouraged.
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February 11, 2016 at 16:31:20 UTC