Hate your job? Join the club. These people are no longer just muttering under their breath but are letting their frustrations show. Come and watch the fireworks!
Subcategories 4
Related categories 2
Sites 34
The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army
An offbeat list of forbidden things to do in the military.
Jokes about accounting and book-keeping.
The Airline Dispatcher Home Page
Heffernan Dispatch Federation, for the experienced aircraft dispatcher.
Architecture Jokes
Jokes about architecture, building and construction. Visitors can rate jokes for quality or submit their own.
At Work and Bored
A selection of work and non-work related humor to stave off boredom, plus a panic button in case the boss visits.
Barber Humor
A collection of quotes and funny sayings relating to the business of cutting hair.
Business and Safety Cartoons by Ted Goff
Business cartoons searchable by keyword or topic.
Collection of stupid quotes from customers and clients. Accepts submissions.
The Covert Comic
CIA-related humor by a true CIA officer.
Customers Suck
The reason why those in retail think customers suck, and what you can do to stop it.
The Diary of Mad Workers
Complaints of people who work in customer service.
Don's Boss Page
Hide from your boss with this fake spreadsheet. Stealth surfing tips, and worker-friendly sites.
Frustrated At Work
Stories from the front lines of employment, struggling with bosses and coping with coworkers.
Get a Job
The jobs are real,the classified ads are real, the applications and the responses are all real.
Hate Your Job
An irreverent look at work including rotten managers, subversive staff, and jargon.
I Should Be Working
Look busy while you slack off and play games or read jokes on this site.
Read, vent or share anonymous work related stories about foolish coworkers and bosses.
Cartoons, stories and ponderings to do with the workplace. Visitors can share their own stories.
Laid Off: A No Nothing Production
An animated story of Odd Todd's life after he has been laid off from his job. Includes downloads, personal thoughts, and related links. Tip jar accepts PayPal donations.
Life in the Weeds
Humor for waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and other restaurant staff.
MadKane - Career Humor
Workplace humor from columnist Madeleine Begun Kane.
Military Jokes and Humor
Including murphys laws of combat, funny military quotes, and humorous stories from the armed forces.
The Mother of All Excuses Place
Read or submit excuses for not going to work, school, being stopped by the police, breaking dates, doctor excuses and other topics.
Not My Desk
Views on the workplace and life from a jobbing temp.
Occupational Hazards - Job Jokes
Jokes by profession including doctor, lawyer, dentist, scientist, engineer, and truck driver.
Off The Boss Online
How to survive working for a Bonehead Boss.
Overheard in the Office: The Voice of the Cubicle
Fragments that tell a whole story, overheard in offices everywhere.
Receptionist Rage
Rantings of a receptionist to let off steam.
Quotes and tales from the author's days as a waitress. Visitors can also contribute their own experiences.
Free de-motivational posters and desktop wallpaper.
Universal Questionnaire Response Form
A questionnaire to send back to people who send out questionnaires.
The Wacky World of Wally World
A journal of all the insane things encountered while working at Wal-Mart.
Waiter Rant
A waiter shares his stories.
Wal-Mart Cart Crew
Funny stories, information and pictures from the crew from Supercenter 0766.
Other languages 2
![[Desk Mozilla]](../../../img/moz/desk.gif)
Last update:
November 27, 2016 at 19:09:18 UTC