Okra, also called gumbo or lady fingers, is a plant grown for its fibrous pods full of round, white seeds, which, when picked young, are eaten as a vegetable. It was formerly considered a species of Hibiscus. The word okra is of African origin. It is a very popular vegetable in Brazil, where it is known as Quiabo. It is also one of the most popular vegetables in late 20th century Japanese cuisine.
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Sites 4
Charleston Okra Soup
Eight serving recipe using rice, bell pepper, and tomatoes.
Charleston Okra Soup
Recipe using beef bones, bacon, and tomatoes.
Fried Okra Soup
Twelve serving recipe made with lima, corn, potatoes, and salt pork.
Okra Soup
Combines chiles, bacon, corn, and tomatoes. Four servings.
Last update:
November 12, 2016 at 23:40:43 UTC