This category contains sites with non-commercial information, ratings or reviews for car owners, to educate them about methods and security measures they can take to prevent theft.
Related categories 2
Sites 8
Arizona Automobile Authority
Statewide cooperative that supports law enforcement, prosecution, public awareness and community education programs
Australian National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council. Includes facility to calculate the risk of theft based on postcode and make/model.
Colorado Auto Theft Investigators
Organization dedicated to the prevention and investigation of vehicle theft and the promotion of training and communication.
Crime Prevention Resources
City of Minneapolis provides several auto theft prevention tips.
HowStuffWorks: How Car Alarms Work
Illustrated tutorial looks at modern car alarms to explain how they work and what they do.
Insurance Information Institute: Auto Theft
Statistics and information regarding auto theft and prevention.
Pennsylvania Auto Theft Prevention Authority
Describes most frequently stolen vehicles, types of theft, costs, protection tips and what to do in case of theft.
Watch Your Car Program
Describes the national initiative with contact information.
Last update:
April 21, 2016 at 1:01:28 UTC