Related categories 3
Sites 7
TRON 2.0
Official site. Includes gameplay description, features, downloads, image gallery, and news. Available in Spanish, Italian, French, German, and English. [Requires Flash]
Includes review, news, downloads, movies, and screen shots.
Offers cheat codes, FAQ, reviews, previews, screen shots, and movies.
Internet Movie Database: Tron 2.0
List of credits for the game, quotations, list of related films, and links.
Reviewed by: Marc Saltzman. "TRON 2.0 oozes with style and substance. Developer Monolith Productions deserves credit for creating one of the finest and most unique PC games of the year to date." [Windows]
(December 06, 2003)
Geek-Culture Movie 'TRON' Spawns Game
Positive review of the video game. [CNN]
(August 11, 2003)
Game Revolution
[B+] Reviewed by: Ben Silverman. "Tron 2.0 uploads a serious dose of style into the FPS scene and is easily recommended to fans of the genre." [Windows]
(August 01, 2003)
![[Shooting Mozilla]](../../../../../img/moz/gun.gif)
Last update:
April 30, 2014 at 12:05:07 UTC