Released in 1986, Wasteland is a post-apocalyptic multi-character roleplaying game for the Apple, Commodore 64 and IBM PC. It is widely regarded as one of the best CRPGs ever released and has worn numerous awards over the years.
Two other games based on the Wasteland engine were released in 1990, "Fountain of Dreams" and "Escape From Hell". A sequel "Meantime" was planned but never completed.
The critically acclaimed Fallout Series is commonly thought of as its spiritual descendant.
Related categories 4
Sites 5
The Revival of the Wasteland
Java remake, with information, screen shots.
The Spoiler Centre: Wasteland
Contains walkthroughs.
Survivors of the Wasteland
Includes FAQs, downloads, and links.
UHS: Wasteland Hints
Gradual hints in a question-and-answer format.
The Wasteland Ranger HQ
Information, fan fiction, hints, cheats, tips and walkthroughs.
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September 28, 2007 at 21:51:03 UTC