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Sites 6
Provides gameplay movies and trailers.
Release data, and a message board.
Reviewed by Jonathan Miller, [7.0/10]. "While there is a certain satisfaction to be had at unleashing 50-hit combos in Seven Sorrows, many people will find the game just too shallow in this day and age."
IGN: Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
Previews, news, press releases, screenshots, and videos.
Game Over Online Magazine
Reviewed by Jeff Haynes, [56%]. "The plot is inconsequential, the characters are less than one dimensional and the game is radically overbalanced, amongst other issues."
(January 06, 2006)
Cheat Code Central
Reviewed by Vaughn Smith, [3.9/5]. "If your parents have run the Gauntlet back in the day, nothing would be better than firing this up and having at it with them by your side."
(January 05, 2006)
Last update:
November 19, 2015 at 19:35:06 UTC