Depths of Peril is an Action-RPG developed by Soldak Entertainment. It was released in 2007 on the PC for the Windows family of operating systems.
Depths of Peril is a single player action role-playing game with strategy elements. You play as a faction leader protecting the barbarian city, Jorvik, by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests. At the same time, you compete with rival factions to see who will rule the city.
As a faction leader, you must deal with rival factions through diplomacy, trade, and in time, war. Between battles and raids against other barbarian factions, you build the most powerful faction possible, to withstand your enemies. Building the power of a faction involves exploring a fantasy world, slaying dangerous monsters, solving quests for the city, avoiding deadly traps, and plundering loot to share within your faction.
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Sites 2
Soldak Entertainment
Official site with game description, game lore, screen shots, links to press, demo download sites, strategy hints, and forums.
Features long interview with Soldak CEO Steven Peeler, with screen shots.
(February 21, 2007)
Last update:
March 27, 2014 at 14:45:07 UTC