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Sites 4
Previews, news, movies, screenshots, and links.
IGN: New Super Mario Bros.
Previews, news, screenshots, and videos.
New Super Mario Bros.
Official New Super Mario Bros. website. Screenshots, previews, strategies, and downloads.
Preview, by Kristan Reed: "Is it enough to suggest New Super Mario Bros. is a whole lot more than a basic retread of the past with scalable graphics, wobbly platforms and wall jumps? That remains to be seen, but the millions of fans that have lapped up the past versions will surely be happy in the knowledge that we're finally going to be blessed with another 2D Mario after all these years."
(June 28, 2005)
![[Game Mozilla]](../../../../../img/moz/super.gif)
Last update:
June 24, 2015 at 1:00:27 UTC