Related categories 1
Sites 7
Game Developers Conference
An event designed to inform and educate game industry professionals on online multiplayer games, mobile and next generation game technologies.
International competition to develop a creative first-person shooter game in seven days. Lists the rules, how to participate, downloads of game submissions, and live streams of the developers working.
Conference covering technical, creative and business aspects of video game sound design and music composition. Registration, FAQ, and
Independent Games Festival
A festival to encourage growth and competition between independent game developers. It is held at the Game Developer Conference and open to anyone who is not funded by an established publisher.
International festival of independent games in Los Angeles, California.
Events, registration, how to submit games,
workshops in IndieXchange.
Ludum Dare
A regular, theme-based, accelerated
game development event. Lists the rules, how to join, results,
a blog, and a mailing list.
Mobile Games Forum
Annual forum for operators, publishers, developers, handset manufacturers and software providers. Speakers, programme, and FAQ. London, Hong Kong, and Seattle, United States.
![[Game Mozilla]](../../../../img/moz/super.gif)
Last update:
June 21, 2015 at 1:58:11 UTC