If you have a personal homepage that has content about anything to do with video games, whether computer or console (ex. Nintendo 64), this category is for you.
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Sites 70
5th Demension
Includes Zelda Series, Command and Conquer, Final Fantasy Series, Dragon Ball Z, and Digimon.
Aaron's Ultimate Gaming
Contains cheats, gameshark codes, pictures, walkthroughs, series including Zelda, Tomb Raider, James Bond, Perfect Dark, and Tony Hawk.
Addon Afterlife
Includes a collection of modifications, addons, and editors for a variety of games crossing all genres.
Original art based on the Megaman X, Legend of Zelda, and Digimon series.
Apocalyptic Games
New and classic video and computer game reviews, previews, news, downloads, and opinions.
Bits + Bytes
Includes news and opinions by the author.
Brandinooo's Gamer's Domain
Newsletter, reviews, console information, and links.
Caroline's Fun Web Pages
Contains information about Pokémon and the Monster Rancher Series.
Cheats R Us
Reviews and codes for games on Gameboy, Nintendo 64, and Playstation.
Cinnabar Island
Pokemon site with pictures, cheats and tips, message boards, chat, news, links, adoption center, trainer battles, battle chart, and puzzles.
Clough's Cheats
Games and cheats for Nintendo 64 and Playstation, as well as links to other cheat code sites.
Codeman's Palace: Beyond
Cheat codes for Dreamcast, Gameboy, Macintosh, Windows, Nintendo 64, PlayStation and PlayStation 2, release dates, help and discussion message board, and polls.
Conquest of the New World Central
Conquest of the New World strategies, hints and tips, and cheat codes. Also includes information about Sim City and Zoo Tycoon.
Cool Sk8ergamer Homepage
Cheats and galleries for various games.
Creative Uncut
Coverage of video games for all systems with wallpaper, sales charts, pictures, and forums.
Dragon Rage's Games Domain
Includes Pokemon, Age of Empires 1 and 2, Might and Magic 6 and 7, Warcraft 2, Diablo 2, Super Smash Brothers, MUDS, and codes.
Emerald Rose
Information about Freedom Force, Ultima Online, and Star Wars Galaxies.
Includes Dragonball Z and Digimon 03 pictures.
Future History
South African gaming. Computer and strategy games including Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, reviews, and downloads.
Gabe's Place
Includes fan art based on StarCraft, CounterStrike, and the Final Fantasy series.
Game Pro
Information, reviews, previews, cheats, and codes. Online game, system and accessory trading.
Gamer's Alliance
Contains cheats for Age of Empires and Baldur's Gate.
The Gamer's Realm
Cheats, reviews, and downloads of popular games.
The Gamer's Recap
Gaming news.
Discussion forums and directory of links to a variety of games from action to strategy.
GamesRush Online Gaming Magazine
A database of reviews, news, features, and cheats.
Gaming Center
A site containing hints, tips, strategy, and information on many popular computer (Macintosh and PC) and N64 games.
The Gaming Dome
Covers Age Of Kings StarCraft and Pokemon.
Gold Saucer
Pokemon GB, Zelda, codes, chat, and emulation information.
Guardian Cave
Sonic the hedgehog and Pokemon fan fics, pictures, The Poke, links and profiles.
In The Zone
Cheats for over 150 games
The Insane Asylum
Collection of games, links, cheats, downloads and anime.
Jame's Domain
Lots of pictures and a few links.
Jeff's Game Center
Video game reviews for the N64 and GameBoy. Also includes PC games, movies and wrestling sections and jokes.
Jeff's Homepage
Cheats and links for Super Smash Brothers: N64, The Sims: CP games.
Kail & Chaos Game Realm
Tips, tricks, and downloads.
Kawaii Dreams
Covers Tales of Phantasia, Tactics Ogre icons, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and South Park.
King of Street Fighters
A sprite-based web comic based on characters from Capcom's and SNK's fighting games.
Kyle's Page 2000
This website contains codes, tips, and tricks for Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Playstation, and Nintendo 64.
Large Pages
Learn all about PC gaming, view a detailed description of Half-Life, Counter Strike and TFC.
Lee Drake's Whacky Home Page
Including links to his company - Aztek Computer Solutions, Inc., webcam and gaming interests.
Liljabroni's Sites of Zelda, WWF and Dark Reign 2
Cheats and walkthroughs for Zelda 64, pictures and information for WWF wrestlers and Dark Reign 2.
Game reviews, news, downloads and console wars chart.
The Lost Domain
Includes strategy and shooter game trainers and maps, utilities, and MP3s.
Magic's Wrestling Page
Codes for many wrestling games.
Mappers Guide to ST: Elite Force
Contains tutorials on making maps, modifications, screenshots, and server information.
Mike's Games
Personal site for a programmer of low-end family PC games. Includes a downloadable PC game, "Charlie the Duck."
Nova's Nintendo Space
A fan page with previews, reviews, codes, information, chat and bulletin boards.
PC Game Reviews
Hundreds of game reviews with demos and screen shots of each.
Pikachu's Vacation 2
Information on Pokemon Trading Card game, strategies on Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. Also includes downloads and pictures in 3D of Pokemon.
Strategies on Age of Empires series, Red Alert, and Magic: The Gathering.
Quantum Raiders
Contains news, forum, screen shots, and downloads.
Rawkin Pup'z Page
Personal page containing Mario 64 and any Super Mario game information, The Living End, and The Lion King.
Richard Mark Watson's Games Web site
Many freeware games available for download here, made with Klik and Play By Richard Watson. Links and Java to download.
Ron's Pokemon Page
Information on the Pokemon TV series, pictures, features, polls and links.
Offers game information, recipes, and links.
Scyther 75's Web Page
Pokémon, Command and Conquer, and Unreal Tournament.
Shane's Game Domain
Provides news, personal gaming information, and pictures.
Shashunk's and Mr Mongoose's Humble Little Site
Devoted to Legend of Legaia, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Ball Z.
Square Gamer
Covers a variety of games and includes forum, discussion, news and updates.
Star Fantasy
Dedicated to Star Ocean, Final Fantasy VII, Sonic the Hedgehog, and DragonBall Z. Offer fan art, fanfiction, manga, MIDI files, screen shots, and image files.
Contains commentary, articles, and a discontinued radio program about the video game industry.
SuNnY aNd AkAsH's WeB SiTe
Codes, cheats, strategies, and reviews.
Titanium91's Internet Base
Video game related content including a message board and links.
TK421's Post
Includes WarCraft, StarCraft, and fantasy games.
Turrican Forever
Includes news, games from the Turrican series, downloads, and forums.
Coverage of select Nintendo 64, GameCube, and computer games.
Focuses on gaming reviews, computer technology, and Linux technical discussions.
Wulf's Lair
Downloads, music, links, message board, and mail groups.
Fan art based on Rockman X, Devil May Cry, and Final Fantasy.
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Last update:
October 1, 2016 at 23:05:07 UTC