In Bad Mojo by Pulse Entertainment you play a scientist that have been turned into a cockroack and muct find a way to become human again.
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Universal Hint System (UHS)
Select specific questions and view hints in progressively detailed steps, from subtle nudges to full answers.
Gamer's Hell
Review with screen shots. "Awfully lifelike at times, and looks really the way you'd expect a roach infected apartment would look."
(October 24, 2000)
David Tanguay's Review
"Without any goals or coherent plot, it degenerates into a tedious tour of a dumpy hotel, dragged by the antennae."
(October 31, 1997)
PIB Review
Surreal game from a very different perspective.
(June 20, 1997)
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Last update:
November 5, 2013 at 20:24:10 UTC