Hardwar is a futuristic combat flight simulator, originally published for Windows-PC in 1998. It is set in 'Misplaced Optimism', a series of craters on a neglected corporate mining moon, Titan. Players fly moths, which are tiny craft capable of flying at low altitude. The game features a complete economy, and can be played as a trading game. Hardwar is sometimes written Hardw[a]r.
Subcategories 4
Related categories 1
Sites 2
Game overview, moth images, and online and offline challenges.
Highrise Industries
Features hints and tips on trading, moths, scavenging, and hangars, and an investigation of alien activity.
![[Spaceship Mozilla]](../../../../../img/moz/spaceship.gif)
Last update:
October 26, 2016 at 6:54:06 UTC