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Sites 4
FAQs, cheats, reviews, saved games, and a message board.
Screenshots, videos, cheats, guide, FAQs, reviews, previews, news, and a message board.
Review, by Kristan Reed: "Genji is a terminally average hackandslasher - of that, there is little doubt, and for it to come from the much-vaunted Game Republic, it's doubly disappointing." [Score: 5 out of 10]
(November 07, 2005)
PSX Extreme
Review, by Frank Provo: "All in all, while I felt the ride was too short, I enjoyed every minute of it." [Score: 8 out of 10]
(October 17, 2005)
![[Gamer Mozilla]](../../../../../../img/moz/moz_gamer.gif)
Last update:
January 15, 2014 at 7:35:08 UTC