White Wolf's original World of Darkness game (first published in 1991), Vampire: The Masquerade allows players to roleplay the Kindred, a secretive society of vampires co-existing with mortal civilization.
Subcategories 14
Related categories 5
Sites 15
Anarchs Unite!
In-character Anarch propaganda and advice.
Argh Crunch Gristle Gristle
Features notes on the Brujah, and an 'Uppsala by Night' sourcebook.
Children of the Night
Gothic related which Includes vampires and immortals.
Clanbook: Black Widow
Rules for a new, all-female bloodline.
Complete Baali Clan Page, The
Clan history, bible, and sample characters.
Genealogy of the Vampires in the World of Darkness
This is the list of 2615 known vampires, chronologically sorted. A genealogy tree can also be found.
The History of the World
Timeline of events in Cainite society.
Kindred's Domain
Personal page based with chat, links, poetry, and a message board.
Knarl Ventrue Haven
Features game information, character creation, combat rules, character advancement, clan pages, and image galleries.
Features 'The Vampire of the Month'.
The Stop For Your Disciplines
This page is about Vampiric White Wolf Roleplay. It contains disciplines that are used in White Wolf. Most of these are used for other families/clans, but some of these are Exiles ONLY.
Troll's MasqNet
Masquerade information organized by clan.
the Utrecht Workshop
The Utrecht Workshop is a WoD-site dedicated to fanwritten material.
Vampire the Masquerade - Character Fiction
Archive of information relating to Vampire characters. Features background, stories and resources.
Vampire: the Masquerade
Server about the role playing game : Faq, archives, rules and articles.
Last update:
November 20, 2015 at 1:15:09 UTC