Hunter: The Reckoning one of the most recent game systems by White Wolf Studios, focuses on the mortal aspect of the World of Darkness. Unlike the other systems, the play assumes the role of an 'Imbued' Mortal, one who knows there are supernatural creatures out there and who is willing to stop them.
The game focuses on the characters' attempts to destroy the supernaturals that inhabit our world. It is a story of futility, redemption, revenge and usually doesn't work all that well for the characters.
Subcategories 1
Related categories 1
Sites 5
The Humankind Declaration of Independence Site
An in character site that has a declaration of independence from Humanity to the supernatural creatures that inhabit the World of Darkness.
Hunter Net V2
An alternative Hunter Net and a mailing list with high activity.
Reckoning Mailing List
A mailing list for OOC discussions on Hunter, it is moderately active.
The Reckoning Network
The first Hunter Site, it is somewhat scarce in contact.
Tabula Rasa: Hunter submission
Several short stories about Hunters in the World of Darkness, by David Carroll.
Last update:
September 28, 2007 at 15:35:47 UTC