The fifth World of Darkness game, released in 1995. The protagonists of Changeling: The Dreaming are faeries forced to take on mortal forms in order to survive the modern world that doesn't believe in them.
Changelings refer to themselves individually and in groups as Kithain or "the Kithain", a word derived from "kith". The nine kith that comprise the majority of Western changeling races are Boggans, Eshu, Nockers, Pooka, Redcaps, Satyrs, Sidhe, Sluagh and Trolls.
Subcategories 1
Sites 4
The Freehold of Capricorne
Character website for a satyr, including resources, history and downloadable art.
The Right to Dream
A collection of storyteller resources including a detailed conversion of the Land of OZ as a realm in the Dreaming.
WebRing: Kithain
List of interlinking sites that make up "The Faerie Ring".
Yahoo! Groups: Changeling The Dreaming
Chat room and message board for discussion of the game. Registration required to post.
Last update:
October 23, 2013 at 9:33:09 UTC