Miniature gaming (also called wargaming) involves strategic simulated battles using scaled figures. Only sites dealing with wargames or the miniatures used for them will be accepted.
Subcategories 44
Related categories 3
Sites 13
Price comparison site for collectible miniatures such as Star Wars miniatures and Dungeons and Dragon miniatures.
Assegai Wargames
Public forum for wargamers and miniature figurine collectors.
Dungeon Crawlers
Community-supported repository of miniature wargaming information. Featuring how-to's on painting and terrain, user galleries, message boards, and advice from experienced gamers and modellers.
Gale Force 9
Covers everything from miniature war gaming including tactics and strategy, to painting and collecting. Covers many of the popular gaming supplements and rule systems.
Hive World Terra
A collection of downloads, the Rollcall army builder, articles, and an encyclopedia of Games Workshop's Universes.
Librarium Online
Has forums, advice and hints on buying and painting miniatures and user-submitted galleries. Portal with topical message boards, galleries and links, as well as downloads, reviews and stories set in the Games Workshop worlds.
Miniature Trading
Coordinates trading of collectible miniatures. Automatic match of figures and notification of new miniatures for trade.
Miniature Wargaming
Games resources, including rules, paper miniatures, and tips and advice.
Contains galleries of painted miniatures of various genres as well as battle reports and house rules also on a variety of wargames.
Robert Presents Minifigs
Discussion board on miniatures for a variety of different genres and games.
Shellshock Combat System
A free combat system based on mechanised combat ranging from historical, through present to future and science fiction.
Tulsa Area Wargame Confederation
Dedicated to historical wargaming in the Tulsa area.
The Vault
Contains rules, articles, and galleries from all of the Games Workshop product range.
Other languages 7
Last update:
February 19, 2017 at 12:43:08 UTC