As there's no central point on Usenet, it is impossible to provide canonical statistics. However, having numbers such as the activity of authors, number of messages, amount of data posted for a given hierarchy or even Usenet as a whole from various points and comparing them usually gives a good idea on what's happening across Usenet. The fact that several well-known news server applications already generate such data for maintenance purposes and their ability to display them graphically in HMTL files makes the task even more easier.
Sites 3
Alternate Usenet TOP 1000
An alternate to the Freenix Top 1000 site.
Telefónica Deutschland News-Service
Has various statistics about Also includes peering policy and information.
Usenet Stats from
Average daily Usenet traffic passing through server, updated weekly. Article and volume counts by newsgroup and by hierarchy.
Last update:
October 21, 2013 at 14:45:07 UTC