RTEMS is an acronym meaning Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems. It runs on a wide range of CPU platforms: AMD 29K; Hitachi SH; HP PA-RISC; Intel x86, i960; Motorola m683x0, m680x0, mPPC, mColdfire; MIPS R46x0, SPARC. It has multiple APIs: RTEMS, POSIX-Unix, uITRON. It is written in C, with C++ support. There is a runtime for GNAT called GNAT/RTEMS for embedded Ada applications. An old RTEMS version is written in Ada83, but is for reference use only. No official newsgroups exist yet, but two public mail lists do: rtems-users, rtems-snapshots; see the OAR website. RTEMS is open source, under OAR's own license.
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Sites 5
Engineer's Office for Microcomputer Technology
Development, training, support services for embedded hardware and software, especially based on RTEMS RTOS; founded 1987. English, Deutsch.
OAR: On-Line Applications Research Corp.
Parent firm for RTEMS RTOS, open source, free, no royalty, full source code; and GNAT/RTEMS Ada95 compiler system useful for cross development. Support, training, custom development; founded 1978. Alabama, USA.
Growing article, with links to many related topics. Wikipedia.
Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems. Runs on: AMD 29K; Hitachi SH; HP PA-RISC; ix86, i960; m683x0, m680x0, mPPC, mColdfire; MIPS R46x0, SPARC. Multiple APIs: RTEMS, POSIX-Unix, uITRON. Written in Ada, C/C++. [Open Source]
WebRing: RTEMS
Ring for this free real-time OS. Linked sites are somehow related to the OS, can be pages showing applications or products, research projects, and libraries ported to it.
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Last update:
October 24, 2013 at 10:19:14 UTC