Related categories 5
Sites 10
Blackboard Inc.
Provider of products that enable universities, schools, and corporations to host their classes on the World Wide Web.
Open platform for internet-based collaboration services, accessible from PC and mobile devices.
iCohere, Inc.
Provides collaboration software, groupware and knowledge management tools to create communities of practice, build learning communities, and deliver online.
Limu Solutions
Live web-based learning with integrated content management system. Ultra thin client requires no software installation.
Provides online test preparation tutorials, entrance exams, college admissions and course details for MBA, Engineering, study abroad. Includes news, career placements and college search tools, discussion forums, QA for students
Technology software for distance learning with unlimited users connected.
The Online Coaching Clinic
A learning program available to support performance using Web Based Coaching (WBC). Users have the opportunity to access a wide variety of coaching on the Intranet.
Right Reason Technologies
An industry leading team of training, education and technology professionals. They are dedicated to improving the way organizations deliver and manage the development of their staff or students by utilizing technology where appropriate.
Easy-to-use service that will have you conducting professional interactive Web conferences in no time.
This Aestiva HTML/os powered virtual classroom is available for short and long term rental by those wishing to provide interactive online training services.
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Last update:
October 3, 2016 at 5:45:05 UTC