This category and its sub categories include entries for software that can assist in marketing.
Please see the most appropriate sub category. Entries will only appear in this category when there is substantial content covering two or more of its sub categories.
Subcategories 7
Related categories 1
Sites 4
Hidden Equity LLC
Website development, an integrated content management system (CMS) and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool for online marketing.
Software specialized in the creation of online questionnaires and poll a population and to process the data on-line. Multilingual site.
Sawtooth Software, Inc.
Provides software for online surveys, conjoint analysis, and quantitative marketing research. Products include ACA, CBC, CVA, Ci3, and hierarchical Bayes analysis.
Provides on-demand software solutions for public relations management.
Other languages 3
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Last update:
February 16, 2017 at 0:09:06 UTC