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Sites 25
Affine Transform Lesson
Describes how to draw text on curves.
CowCatcher Java Training
An open source initiative aimed at providing a repository for Java training material.
developerWorks: Java Education
Free Java tutorials by IBM's developerWorks team.
Diagnostic tests with Ant (
Koen Vervloesem shows how you can use Ant, the popular Java build utility, to run diagnostics on a remote system and collect troubleshooting information automatically, instead of figuring things out over the phone.
Eclipse, Java and Web development
Tutorials about Eclipse, Java and Web development. Focus is on how-to-guides and building real examples to get new developer started.
Esper: Event Stream Processing and Correlation []
Esper is a lightweight kernel written in Java which is fully embeddable into any Java process. It enables the development of Event-Driven Applications in Java.
Collection of tutorials and resources.
Improving your Java GUI with status bar hints (Tech Republic)
Users don't read your documentation. So it's up to us, as software developers, to make our applications as easy and intuitive as possible. If you're writing a Java GUI, here's one easy way to help -- adding status bar hints.
Introduction to Databases for the Web: Pt 4
This tutorial introduces how to use Java Database Connectivity to interface to web databases. Suitable for webmasters and web developers with little or no database experience.
Java and Sound (
This two-part series of excerpts from Chapter 17 of Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition, David Flanagan illustrates some of Java's sound capabilities. In the first section, he covers how to play simple audio clips with the java.applet.AudioClip class. In the second section, he shows how to use the javax.sound.sampled and javax.sound.midi packages to load and play sound clips, how to monitor and change the playback position within a clip, and how to set audio parameters such as volume, balance, and tempo.
Java Pet Store 2.0 Application
Work with the Java Pet Store 2.0 demo and the Java EE 5 platform to develop an Ajax-enabled Web 2.0 application that is user-driven, user-organized, and user-policed.
jGuru Self-Paced Java Courses
Directory of free, online, self-paced courses on JavaMail, Collections, JSP, JDBC, and EJB.
Kickstarting Google Web Toolkit on the client side []
S. E. Morris pushes the client-side features of the Google Web Toolkit by creating client-only apps that use scrolling, animation, and mouse tracking.
Learn Java Faster
Online Java lessons.
Make bad Java code good
By Dr. John Farrell. Concrete suggestions for fixing Java code. From the simple and mindless to the complex and dangerous.
Mr.Haki's (JBuilder) JavaBean Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to build JavaBeans using JBuilder 2 Java BeansExpress.
Remember Java
Java tutorial with large example library. New tasks and examples added weekly or monthly.
Contains many quality Java, JSP, RMI, MySQL downloads, tutorials, source codes and links to other java resources.
Software Developers
Java tutorials - basic tutorial, servlets, and JDBC. Example code, tips and resources.
TechRepublic: Print on all Java platforms with JPS
Java Print Service (JPS) allows you to print even on very size-limited platforms such as J2ME; it also supports standard Java 2D graphics. Learn how to organize printing with this API.
TechRepublic: Process the command line with CLI in Java
Writing code to parse command line arguments is still necessary sometimes. When you need to examine command line arguments, see how and why you should use your open source Java toolkit and use Command Line Interface.
A collection of free tutorials for all levels of expertise.
Web Services Messaging with Apache Axis2: Concepts and Techniques []
The Apache Axis2 architecture assumes neither one message exchange pattern, nor synchronous/asynchronous behavior. This article explains messaging concepts and how Axis2 can be used to implement several well-known messaging scenarios from just two basic patterns: in-only and in-out.
Working with the Google Web Toolkit []
The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) lets you create Ajax applications by writing Java code and generating JavaScript automatically. Robert Cooper shows how to get up and running with a GWT example.
Tapestry: A Component-Centric Framework []
Open source framework for rapid development of web applications using Java with a coarse-grained pooling strategy, high code-reuse, and line-precise error reporting.
(September 27, 2006)
![[Questioning Mozilla]](../../../../../../img/moz/question.gif)
Last update:
July 7, 2016 at 7:45:04 UTC