This category is for resources related to the World Wide Web Consortium Document Object Model (W3C DOM). The W3C DOM is the industry standard object model for representing HTML and XML pages. It is used in browsers and other HTML and XML tools.
Subcategories 2
Sites 15
The W3C Document Object Model
Definitive specification for the DOM.
A full DOM level 2 implementation for Python, included in the PyXML package.
Apache DOM Implementation in Java
A validating XML parser written in 100% pure Java, which includes an implementation of the Level 1 DOM, some of the Level 2 DOM, and SAX.
Apache XML project
Different open source tools, most of which use the Xerces implementation (DOM Level 1 and 2) as a base. Xerces itself is available in Java, C++, Perl, and COM.
Apache's DOM Implementation in C++
XML for C++ parser (XML4C) is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. It implements Level 1 and some of Level 2 DOM, as well as providing SAX interfaces. Source code, samples and API documentation are provided with the parser.
David Baron's DOM Tests
Tests in JavaScript for compliance with some parts of the W3C DOM specifications.
DOM 1 Reference
Reference guide with examples.
DOM2 Reference
Reference guide with examples for the second release of the object model.
The Gnome DOM Engine
Promises to create a fully standards-compliant DOM interface. It is based on Daniel Veillard's libxml.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - XML/HTML Browser
Full support for the Level 1 DOM.
Mozilla - XML/HTML browser
An open-source XML/HTML browser which is implementing full Level 2 DOM support.
Robin Cover's DOM Pages
A list of DOM resources.
Unicorn XML Processor
A stand-alone ECMAScript interpreter that supports Level 1 DOM Core. An XSLT processor contains the same engine.
Includes a collection of Perl5 wrapper objects that internally use their XML4C counterparts for Level 1 DOM processing.
XML and CORBA/RMI/XML-RPC based MOM (message oriented middleware) for Java/C/C++/Perl/Tcl/Python. Free for commercial and non commercial use (LGPL).
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Last update:
December 3, 2013 at 8:05:06 UTC