The Open Directory Project is Open Content. Anyone can download and publish the directory listings, in whole or in part, for free, by agreeing to include a brief acknowledgment and links. For details see the ODP license. This category lists those websites that use ODP data in compliance with the license.
Sites 14
Provides a search feature and a directory from the ODP. Directory listings can be ordered by popularity, user rating or alphabetically, and there are links to Alexa's information on each site.
Using the ODP Kids and Teens directory.
The Cow Corral Search Engine
A demonstration from of the search and directory it offers to webmasters, using the Open Directory data.
Dominion Web
Uses ODP data to demonstrate their product: DWdirectory.
DSL Service Providers
Directory by state with map and list, combining data from the ODP.
Instant Directory
ODP content powered by Instant Content.
An unofficial site about the UK's Labour Party, with the links directory based on an old version of Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Society_and_Culture/Politics/Parties/Labour/ category. RDF dump.
An unofficial site from Political News about the UK's Liberal Democrats, with the links directory based on an old version of the relevant ODP category. RDF dump.
The Linx
A global web directory using DMOZ 2.0 data, thumbnails and Google PageRank. portal
A demonstration from of the search and directory it offers to webmasters, using the Open Directory data.
Directory using ODP data.
Net Directory
A scraped copy of the Open Directory.
Religion Explorer
Provides a copy of the Open Directory categories on religion, with added site previews by Thumshots. Also uses Aspseek technology to provide a search engine restricted to sites listed in those categories.
ScienceDaily Magazine
News about science, technology, and health. Archived stories are filed into ODP categories alongside the links.
Other languages 15
![[Dmoz Mozilla 1]](../../../../../../img/moz/moz1.gif)
Last update:
April 14, 2015 at 14:39:05 UTC