Description: Press articles in 2000 on or featuring the Open Directory Project.
Sites 11
Slashdot: Dmoz (aka AOL) Changing Guidelines In Sketchy Way
Article mentions updates to the Open Directory Project Guidelines. Specifically points out the Illegal Sites description and the new copyright notice.
(October 24, 2000)
Netscape's Groundbreaking Open Directory Project Surpasses Two Million Web Sites
Press Release covers the rapid growth of the ODP since its inception. Notes that more than 100 leading Internet companies are licensing ODP data.
(August 14, 2000)
Netscape: Ask Jeeves And Netscape's Open Directory Project Team To Bring Relevant And Comprehensive Search Results To Users
Press Release covers Ask Jeeves' decision to license ODP data for their primary directory. Mentions the Open Directory Project is available to anyone under a free use license.
(August 14, 2000)
Wired: Need A WebBrain to Net Search?
Andy Patrizio writes about the launch of and the technology they built using Open Directory Project data.
(May 26, 2000)
Slashdot: Who Owns Dmoz?
Adam Kuether questions ODP’s relationship with Time Warner/AOL.
(May 01, 2000)
Information Today: Google Introduces Web Directory Using Netscape's Open Directory Project Data
Chris Sherman writes about the hybrid directory launched by Google that combines their search technology with ODP listings. Article mentions Google also provides links to relevant directory categories in its primary search service.
(March 27, 2000)
Salon Technology: Google: We’re Down With ODP
Mark Durham discusses the creation of the Google Directory and explains how they’ve integrated ODP data.
(March 24, 2000) Helping Webmasters Land in Search Engines' Nets
Elizabeth Stone writes about world of search engines and how web designers are looking to Danny Sullivan for the answers on how to get traffic from them.
(March 23, 2000)
Wired: Sort Stories
Jeffrey O'Brien briefly discusses Netscape's Open Directory Project.
(March 08, 2000)
Netscape Netcenter Passes 25 Million Registered User Milestone Worldwide
Press release talks about the Netcenter membership milestone and mentions the Netscape Open Directory Project (ODP) includes more than 1.5 million web sites.
(February 15, 2000)
The New York Times: A Marriage of Convenience - and Control
Denise Caruso writes about AOL’s proposed purchase of Time Warner and what the two traditional media giants will do with the Open Directory Project.
(January 17, 2000)
Other languages 2
![[Dmoz Mozilla 1]](../../../../../../../img/moz/moz1.gif)
Last update:
September 17, 2016 at 5:45:05 UTC